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Becky woke, she felt lost like she was in a dream.

''Becky ,Becky, DOCTOR, DOCTOR ,SHES AWAKE SOMEONE PLEASE HELP'' yelled Becky's mum as she ran out into the hall way to seek for medical help.

quietly Becky voice spoke, it was hard to understand because she was having trouble spitting her words out ''Mum, mum were am i? mum I'm scared mum''

''Becky its me, mum don't worry your okay your in the hospital you were in a car accident.'' Explained Becky's mother Becky could just see the tears welding in her mothers eyes

''Alex, mum Alex were is he? is he okay?'' asked Becky her voice was trembling.

''Are you thirsty dear?'' asked Becky's Mother

''Mum were is Alex?'' Becky asked once again

''You know what im a little thirsty ill go and get a bottle of water, i will be back in a minuet darling''

''Mum'' Becky said as she watched her mother walk out the door.

Becky could vagly see her Mother and what looked like a nurse talking through the glass part in the door. Becky tried to figure out what they were saying but Becky was never good at lip reading and really didn't have the energy for it at this moment.

Becky could see a plaster on her left wrist and a couple bandages around some of her wounds, but didn't seem to care.

When Becky's mother returned she gave Becky a bottle of water and told her to drink up.

''Im not thirsty'' said Becky

''Yes i know but you need to drink some water darling'' said Becky's mum

''i just want to know if Alex is okay, MUM WHY CANT YOU JUST TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON!'' Becky was furious

''Becky don't worry everything will be okay.'' Said Becky's mum

''Look can you just tell me, im not a child anymore i can take it!'' said Becky

''NO BECKY, YOU CANNOT!'' Becky's mum was serious

''Fine then! Ill go find him!'' said Becky

As Becky tried to get up out of her hospital bed she was stopped by something, a drip she guessed, she couldn't get up.

''MUM'' Becky cried ''MUM'' as the tears flew down Becky's face she could only think of one quick reason to why she was restrained to her bed there was no drip stopping her, paraplegic - Becky's health class had learnt about all of the different types of spinal cord injuries and she couldn't move below her waist.

''Oh Becky, I'm so sorry''

The two hopelessly blurted out the tears. I'm a paraplegic. I can't move my legs. I can't surf. I can't swim. I can't run. I cannot do anything. The thoughts kept re-entering Becky's mind

The doctor walked in Becky had never seen him before he stood there looking at Becky with sympathy a sad look spread across his overly shaped head, his grey curly hair and wrinkled forehead helped show his age.

''Becky Carton'' asked the doctor

''Yes'' Becky wept

''I see you have noticed the fact that you cannot move bellow your waist? 'Asked the doctor

Becky showed no reply

''Yes she has Doctor'' Becky's mum replied for Becky


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