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I plopped onto my bed my head ached as well as my heart, thoughts soon began racing through my mind
"Was I in over my head?"
"What i did...was it bad?"
I stuffed my pillow onto my face and screamed then sighed
"What do i do now..."
I thought solemnly
"Hey are you 2 slutty bitches home yet?!"
I heard a drukened scream echo.
"Not again" I sighed
I walked down the spiral staircase to see my sad excuse for a father.
He was drunk. Again.
"You don't live here anymore" I spat out feeling disgusted
he looked at me with ragefull tears in his eyes.
"This is my god damn house!"he bellowed
"And dont you look all nice has that slut of a mother you have made you into this? You look like a god damn slut too! used to be ny little angel so sweet and innocent"

"Again Henry must you let our daughter see you like this again" I heard a stern concerned voice say. Mum of course.
"Shut the fuck up bitch this is all your fault" he continued as my mum stared at herself in the hallway mirror fixing her dress and earrings.
"Please Henry don't do this again I have to go now I have a date you should start seeing others too-"
"Shut it I'm leaving just know you were my one and only and you ruined my life"

I just stood and watched the scene replay out like it has in the past and sighed once more.
"Im sick of this boring life
More revenge tomorrow
Then once I'm all done then what? Just once something exciting and long lasting..just once" i thought as I walked back up the tiring staircase and reflopped onto my bed.

A nerds revengeWhere stories live. Discover now