New look

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Walking down the dreaded hallway, was it always this long before I think as I notice everyones eyes are on me. I continue to smile as I struggle to walk I can hear the whispers "is she new" "she looks hot" I ignore them cause right now I have to concentrate on walking with these high heels. They are horrible.

I walk onwards to my locker "excuse me" I hear a tiny voice squeak it was Kate i think thats her name, her locker is next to mine I've never talked to her before so this is the first "that's Elizabeth's locker not yours" I smile and look at her "its Liz I don't answer to Elizabeth" I walk away steadily as the bell rings I have to get to English.

As I sat down I noticed no one was looking at the teacher but me instead the teacher wouldn't have noticed much if I sat at the front problem was I sat at the back.

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