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Once I finish 'shopping' with Cayden I go home to get ready for Jacobs arrival, rehearsing in my head how I was going to let him down.

I think over what Cayden said at the cafe, that this had something to do with Jack, and I knew deep down that maybe him being here was putting me off my game but I wasn't breaking up with Jacob because of it.

As the doorbell rings I instantly shoot up off of the couch as I approach the door to see Jacob leaning against it giving me his usual charming smile.

"Hey beautiful." He says as he leans in to kiss me but I put my hand between us to stop him. He instantly stops but not before he gives me a sad smile and follows me inside.

The tension in the room made me nervous as he follows me to my bedroom before comfortably taking a seat on my bed waiting for me to speak.

I remain silent for a while looking at him, wondering if I was really doing the right thing but then I told myself that I knew better and that's when I finally found the courage to speak.

"I'm sorry Jacob, but I don't think we should be together anymore." I tell him as he gives me a sad nod.

I want him to be angry, to yell at me but I knew Jacob too well to know he wouldn't do that. Instead he ask me the question that caught me off guard.

"It's because of him, isn't it?"

I didn't need him to say his name to know he was referring to Jack.

"No, at least I don't think so. Look Jacob you and I both know I'm not the girl to be in relationships. You were just getting to close for comfort and I can't have that."

Without another word he gets up leaving my room as I hear the front door shut knowing he was gone.

I turn to my phone to text Cayden.

To Cayden: From Kayla - Just finished the break up.

From Cayden: To Kayla- How'd he take it?

To Cayden: From Kayla- I don't know, I think he took it well.

From Cayden: To Kayla- What did he say?

I hesitate telling him what Jacob asked me but I eventually give in.

From Cayden: To Kayla- He asked if it was because of Jack...

From Cayden: To Kayla- And what did you say.?

To Cayden: From Kayla- No obviously.

From Cayden: To Kayla- Liar

To Cayden: From Kayla- I am this close to driving to you house and kicking your ass if you don't stop this shit about Jack and I.

From Cayden: To Kayla- Oh I'm so scared.

To Cayden: From Kayla- You should be.

From Cayden: To Kayla- That was sarcasm Kayla... You couldn't hurt a fly.

To Cayden: From Kayla- Yeah but I could sure hurt you.

From Cayden: To Kayla- HA I'd like to see you try.

To Cayden: From Kayla-1v1 me mate.

From Cayden: To Kayla- When and where?

Before I can respond I receive another text but from a unknown number as I click the bubble on the top of my screen.

From unknown number: To Kayla- Hey Kayla?

To unknown number: From Kayla- Who is this?

From unknown: To Kayla- Um it's Jack.

I swear I saw red as I begin texting Cayden.


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