☀︎ rapid rants : 'MURICA ☀︎

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Hey everyone, @briannay here. I'll be doing Rapid Rants for today.

So let's get down to business. There are so many KnB fanfictions out there. Some are amazing, and some just make you shudder inside. C'mon you know what I'm talking about. There are so many aspects of KnB fanfics that I could rant about, but I'm here to talk about one thing in particular: America.

Ah yes, good ol' America

The United States of America

The U.S.

The U.S.A



Why is it that whenever the OC is a transfer student from America...SHE IS ALWAYS FROM CALIFORNINA AND CHILDHOOD FRIENDS WITH KAGAMI AND HIMURO?! I'm not lying when I say that out of the many KnB fanfictions I read, the girl or guy was super buddy-buddy with Kagami and Himuro when they used to live in America.

Oh, I didn't know California was the only state in the UNITED. STATES. OF AMERICA.

Okay, maybe I can let the California thing slide because it is a pretty well known state. People know more about California than New Hampshire, but why are they always such good friends with Kagami and Himuro? You're telling me that out of 318.9 million people in America and 38.8 million people living in California... the OC is best friends with Kagami and Himuro? Just how? Is it because #ballislife?


Also, the OC is usually of Japanese heritage and lives in America because of family, but she/he just suddenly moves to Japan without their family. What's the point of that? Yeah, I know Kagami lives alone, but he was supposed to live with his dad. Are all these transfer students just mega weeaboos who are like "iz wunt 2 liv in japun...desu"?

Let me just bring up another point. The OC is all excited about starting their new school and then they stumble upon Kagami or Himuro at their new school like "Oh you go here?"

WHAT IS THIS CRAP?! If you were such good friends back in America, why didn't you stay in touch with each other? There is a thing called EMAIL. You could continue to talk to each other and tell them things like new schools or I don't know...THAT YOU'RE MOVING TO JAPAN.

Honestly, every fanfiction with this scenario is like that. Let me give you an example. The OC is going to be named be beyotch-chan.

Wow, im so happi 2 start mah new skool in japan. i luv ball of da basket. i hope dey hav a girl bball team. i do da walkung 2 da gym so i can sign up 4 da bball team. i opun da door and evry1 stops 2 look at meh cuz my waist length, purple and pink hurr and huge boobies makes me super kawaii. i look at evry1 den i c my childhood frand kagami.

"taaaiiiiiigggggaaaaa!" i do da yelling and run 2 him.

"beyotch-chan? u go here?" kagameeee says.

"ehhh!? kagami is she ur gurlfrand?" evry1 yells.

"nah me and bakami r childhood frands." I seys.


That was a little bit painful to write. I don't mean to offend anybody with this. I was just being over dramatic, and I actually haven't seen anything that atrocious.

This was fun to write! If you don't agree with my opinion, that's cool. Just don't force me to agree with you. This was just me ranting. I hope to see you in the next issue of KnB Magazine!

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