Chapter 11: Cancelled?!

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Mira's POV

   Today's the day that we will leave for our girls' night out. Sayonara Fairy Tail and my ships. I shall return!

   You know, last night's event was really a bad experience for a (self-proclaimed) highly respected matchmaker like me. Damn that Evergreen for saying that to him. Right now, I don't even want to think of or speak his name or anything that's related to him. Huhu. What has gone wrong? I just wanted to play with girls and help with their love problems.
   I sighed.

   Just think positive Mira. If I won't be positive about my own (love) problems, how can I expect to be a great matchmaker?

   I breathed in and out several times.

   I'm feeling okay now. That aside, I'm currently at the train station waiting for the others to arrive, of course while making sure that none, and I mean none, of the boys followed.

   You all must be wondering where my cute little sister Lisanna is. Well, even if I'm her big sister living in the same house and all, I don't have the heart to wake her up from her peaceful slumber.

   I waited and waited for the girls to arrived, and they didn't disappoint and arrived.

   Thank goodness. I thought they'd never make it.

   "Morning girls!" I greeted them.

   "Good morning Mira/-san."

   I looked behind them to see if there were any boys following and I smiled when I noticed that they weren't.

   "Don't worry Mira-nee. There's no way those guys are gonna follow with you and Erza around," Lisanna reassured. "Besides, Master, Gray, Gajeel, Laxus, Jellal and Lily are also there to stop them if they did."

   I grimaced at the mention of his name.

   "Speaking of Erza, where is she anyway?" Lucy asked.

   We all looked around for her but, there was not even a single hair of her found.

   "Where could she be?" Levy asked, not prying her eyes away from her book.

   Are you reading or searching?

   "Don't worry guys, I'm here!" A familiar voice called out to us.

   We looked to see where that voice came from and saw that it was Erza who was dragging her usual baggage.

   "As always, you bring too much," Carla complimented... Sort of.

   "Hn. You must bring everything that you need to survive," Erza said, nodding her head with a satisfied grin.

   A microphone fell out from one of her baggages and Evergreen holds it up. "Why would you need a mic to survive?"

   That question remained unanswered.

   "Did you perhaps bring some sweets to eat?" Wendy asked, almost drooling at the thought of the said snack.

   With this, Erza's face fell. She then went to her emo corner.

   "I've forgotten to bring my souffle and strawberry cake," She murmured.

   "So you're not really bringing everything that you need to survive," Juvia concluded.

   Bad move because Erza went further into her emo corner. I just patted her back soothingly.

   "Don't worry Erza, I bet that the hotel will serve a strawberry cake, souffle or any other dessert."

   I think.

   Thankfully, she seemed to buy that half-lie and her eyes gleamed brightly with hope. "You think so Mira?"

   "I'm sure."

   Not a hundred percent though.

   She jumped up with her fist raised and eyes blazing like fire. "Onward minna! To our paradise."

   We all sweat dropped at what she said. People are starting to turn their heads over to us, giving us strange looks. We just laughed nervously before me and Lucy dragged her into the train, with rest following us from behind, to avoid even more shame.

   I thought that my day would start to brighten up once we'd make it to the hotel and have fun without the boys bothering us for once but... I was terribly and mistakenly wrong.

   "I'm sorry Miss but the hotel will be closed until further notice and will not be used by any guest who booked their stay," The receptionist told me.

   We all look at him jaw dropped.

   "Noooo waaaayyyy!"

   He then covered his ears.

   "I'm really sorry. The owner gave us strict orders."

   "To hell with that!" Erza growled, gripping that guy's collar, murdering him with her eyes.

   Thankfully, Lucy pushed her back and calmed her down before facing him.

   "When will the hotel be available then?" She asked in a calm manner.

   "It would take a week in the least."

   All of us, excluding Carla and Wendy, hissed at the young man who backed away and cowered in fear.

   "There's no way in hell we're gonna cancel our girls night out!"

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