Chapter 7

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Levi's POV

Levi screamed at the top of his lungs as he fell towards the fiery pits of hell, the heat becoming more and more intense. However, he wasn't the only one who was screaming. The souls, that his father somehow obtained, were screaming along side of him.

Closing his eyes tightly shut, he prepared for either a massive impact which was sure to kill him, or to become ashes as he thought the heat was becoming too much.

As he continued to fall, he was wondering what his father meant. A history lesson? What the fuck does that mean?!! I mean, I know I'm not going to die. I can't die. He wouldn't allow that. Right? As much as he refused to admit it though, he knew that his father could've shown Levi a little more love than he had so far. Keeping him locked up in a cage and having guards to summon Levi to see him, wasn't exactly being 'father of the year.' Levi, unfortunately, didn't know any better. He thought that's how all fathers treat their children. Lock them up in a cell and leave them to their own devices.

Suddenly Levi felt himself stop. He was no longer falling. Opening his eyes slightly, he was overwhelmed by the amount of ash in the atmosphere, the number of flames dancing throughout the place, shining red, orange, yellow. He looked around frantically, desperate to find a way out, feeling his skin beginning to peel from the amount of heat he was experiencing, his lungs clogged up by the ashes and cinders flying in the air, making it difficult for Levi to breathe.

"HELLO?!!" He called out.

"Through the door is where the truth lies. Once you find out the truth, everything will become clear." He heard his father's voice echo from above. Door? Which door?

"That one." He heard my thoughts?

"Levi. Here, I can hear and see everything you think, say and do. For this place belongs to be careful about what you think."

"O-okay." Levi muttered quietly, walking up to the door that stood in front of him. His father's words repeated themselves inside his head, over and over again.

"Through the door is where the truth lies. Once you find out the truth, everything will become clear." If you say so...I guess

Levi took a deep breath, violently coughing immediately afterwards, accidentally breathing in the ashes. Covering up his mouth and nose to avoid taking in any more, he grabbed the door knob firmly and turned it, pushing it open then walking in, covering his eyes as he met a bright light.

Closing the door behind him, Levi uncovered his mouth, greeted by the cleanliness of the atmosphere around him. He could breathe properly and his skin wasn't being roasted anymore. Smiling at the new feeling, he let his eyes adjust to the brightness, moving them away from he eyes. As soon as he did, he frowned at the strangeness and unfamiliarity of the place. Where am I? He thought to himself, hoping his father would answer.

"Heaven my son. This is where God is. Since you are now old enough to know, it's time for you to know the truth. This, my dear boy, is the creature who locked me up in this blasted palace."

What? Who? Why?

"Just watch. Everything will become clear."

And so he did.


Lucifer walked through the garden, his pearly wings glimmering brightly in the sunlight, a warm smile plastered on his face as he enjoyed the peacefulness of heaven. Suddenly, that peace and tranquility was interrupted by a young boy who looked about 17 years of age, running up to him.


"Grisha. How many times to I have to tell you not to call me Lucy? It's Lucifer. Get it right." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"Sorry Lucy." Grisha responded, remaining loyal to him nickname for Lucifer. "It's just I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Okay. So, you know I've been given the power to create anything I want. Right?" Grisha started, excitedly.


"Well! I've finally decided what I want to create."

"What is it?"

"A world. A world where everything is beautiful."

"Specific." Lucifer responded sarcastically. "Look. I really don't have time to listen to your vague ideas. I'm kind of busy relaxing." He said, about to walk off.

"You can help me create it." Grisha said, smugly, knowing that his best friend wouldn't be able to resist.

Stopping abruptly at the suggestion, Lucifer turned to Grisha and said "Have I ever told you how much you mean to me, besty?" Cringing at besty.


"Yes I know. I heard it too." He said quickly, closing his eyes tightly and looking away. Chuckling at his reaction, Grisha grabbed Lucifer's arm and dragged him to where he would begin his creation.

The two boys spent many days and nights working on this world, planning on what it would look like. Their rooms were filled with papers full of sketches, ideas, and random doodles that did when they got bored. One night, they were in Lucifer's room, hiding under the covers of his bed, Grisha sitting in front of Lucifer, a small ball of light gleaming between them.

"Look." Grisha said, as he took out a large piece of paper and laid it out in front of him. "This is the final draft of what it would look like."

Lucifer looked intently at the drawing, slightly taken back by the beauty it held. This was their world. It was mainly covered in water but had patches of land here and there. This was what the world would look like over all.

"Wow. It looks nice." Lucifer's responded, looking back at Grisha, who was grinning widely.

"That's not all." He took out a sketch book full of paintings and drawings of landscapes. Some had waterfalls, water rushing down, half glistening in the sun and half glistening in the moonlight. Some had tall, pointy bits of rock, white fluff perched on top. Some had plains of green grass with a bleeding sky in the background, the colours scarlet, Amber and cream mixed into one beautiful colour, the brush strokes so elegant. It was clear that Grisha had spent a while working on it.

"T-this is beautiful." Lucifer said, his eyes wide from the beauty. "However it's missing something."

"And what's that, Lucy?" Grisha asked, curiously.

Lucifer looked up into Grisha's eyes, ignoring the nickname.


Gasping slightly at his comment, Grisha's smile beamed as he grabbed Lucifer by the shoulders, looking back into his eyes.

"Brilliant." He responded.

A/N: helloooooo. Hoped you liked this chapter. I'll be doing this one in two parts because I thought this was a good place to end a chapter. Have a great day and I'll hopefully see you soon.


The Fallen Angel (Angel!ErenxDemon!Levi Ereri/Riren)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now