Chapter 15

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After the battle of heaven...that's when things really changed for Levi. His father saw the hesitation in his actions, noticed that he deliberately avoided the boy's heart. In his eyes, Levi was still weak. He had stated earlier that no son of his was to be remorseful.

"You spared him, didn't you.."

Levi avoided his father's burning gaze, not saying anything in reply.

"I warned you...didn't know very well what's going to happen now, don't you."

Clenching his fists, Levi swallowed down his fear and looked up at the terrifying glare his father was sending him. But he bravely stared back.

"You have so much potential. I think all you need..." He disappeared. 'No. No. This can't be happening. No. Anything but this.' He desperately thought, feeling a warm breath in his ear.

"Is a little push..." He whispered. Two hands forcefully pushed Levi into the tremendous hole that lay before him. Eyes widening, he screamed as he fell.

"The you that befriended the Angel, that felt any positive feelings for him, is gone."


"Levi~ what's wrong?" Levi's thoughts were disrupted by the sound of a soft, flirtatious voice, joined by a few giggles. He looked up and smirked at the light skinned, pink haired girl straddling him, her arms wrapped around his waist. She was wearing a very revealing dress, it covering only half of her cleavage and the skirt of the dress was silver silk that had a deliberate, neat rip down the seam to expose her legs easily. Another demon was kneeling in the space between Levi and the arm rest of his throne, kissing his neck softly. She was wearing the same type of outfit, but her hair was the shade of lavender. "Nothing is wrong~ just let me make you feel good~" he huskily whispered, closing his eyes, pulling the girl in front of him into a deep kiss, her hand sliding up his shirt.

Over the past 5 years, Levi had changed...a lot. He rightfully claimed the title 'King of Lust', since his sexual desires only grew and grew. The lust demons who were offering him pleasure, only satisfied him for a short while before he felt the thirst for more.

A dark crown rested lopsidedly on his head, a dark red and black, silk cloak tied securely around his neck, draping down his shoulders. His once tiny horns were now long and curved, a glimmering ebony which complimented his hair. He was definitely a lot more attractive than he was before.

His hair was now cut in the style of an undercut, his bangs messily hanging over his face, due to the current situation he was in.

Just as the purple haired demon began to slide her hand down to his crotch, the three were interrupted by a rather loud knock.

He inwardly groaned, pulling away from the current kiss he was sharing,  looking towards the door.

"Come in." He demanded, his voice monotonous however he was irritated that he was disturbed. The irritation only grew as he saw a rather annoying face with spectacles pop her head round the door.

"Shit.." He muttered under his breath, leaning against back against his throne, running his fingers through his hair as the beast, otherwise known as Hanji, walked into the room, slamming the door loudly behind him.

"What the fuck do you want now? Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Oh. Yes. Sorry." He responded, laughing afterwards. "But this is important." His expression feel to a serious one.

The girls giggled, one whispering, "we'll see you later." In his ear before they both disappeared. Straightening his crown, he crossed one leg over the other, groaning.

"What is it?" He growled, his glare shooting daggers right into Hanji who just laughed. God, his laugh sounded like a bunch of cats were being strangled. Even that would sound better than his laugh.

Clearing his throat, Hanji straightened himself up. "Right. I've found out some news." He stated, readjusting his glasses slightly.

"Yeah? And what's that?" He asked, rolling his eyes. It was probably going to be something shitty.

"The boy. Eren. He's grown stronger. They've let him out."

Levi's eyes widened ever so slightly, sitting up properly. 

"Carry on."

"He has his heart set on murdering you. I think the Angels are coming to invade."

A wicked smile grew tugged at Levi's lips, growing until he was smiling ear to ear. This was definitely news. Perhaps it was meant to be bad news but no. Levi saw this as an advantage, as something he should rejoice about.

"Heart set on killing me, eh? I'd like to see him try." Levi said with a smirk, crossing his arms.

"Don't tell me you're going to kill him immediately." Hanji begun, raising an eyebrow at Levi.

Levi just stared back at him. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Just seems a bit boring for someone like you to do. I thought you'd come up with a plan to make his death memorable for us demons. Just killing him isn't majestic in any way at all."

"What in hell are you going on about? Not majestic enough....what's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know but killing him on the spot. Remember. He has his heart set on killing you. Doesn't that excite you in any way? Doesn't that make you want to toy with him?"

Levi unfolded his arms, instantly intruded. Hanji did have a point for once. "Go on."

"I've come up with something that will truly earn you the title 'The King of Lust." " Hanji began. "I bet that you can't make the boy fall in love with you. I bet that you can't extinguish that burning desire to kill you. In fact, I bet you can't make him the first Fallen Angel."

Levi's eyes widened at the redhead's challenge. "And if I do?"

"Then you can call yourself 'The King of Lust.' Demons of all kinds will praise and worship you. Just imagine, Levi has created the first Fallen Angel. But not just any Angel. The son of God."

Levi definitely liked the sound of this. "And if I don't?"

"If not, I'll never consider you as one, and I'll be telling everyone this so if you can't do this, no one will respect you for your title."

Levi pondered on it for a few seconds before his smirk grew. This definitely sounded like a challenge he couldn't reject.

"Challenge accepted."

(Omg finally. This is getting somewhere. The story is literally just beginning. I am so sorry this has taken me forever. Don't hate me 😅 hope you liked it. Feedback is alway encouraged. Hope you have a great day. Until next time,

Author chan

The Fallen Angel (Angel!ErenxDemon!Levi Ereri/Riren)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now