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"There's a party tonight," Zayn hit my elbow with his.

"What kind?" I asked disinterested.

"The really fancy kind," he paused the game we were playing, putting his controller down, "I was thinking we could dress up, slip something in the punch and leave just before it gets bad," he smirked.

"Well," I tried to grab his controller to unpause the game, "hate to break it to you, but those types of things require an invite, an invite we do not have,"

"I have one," his smile grew wider I'm mischief, "my uncle works for the company and said he doesn't want to go,"

"Well why wouldn't you want to go to a stuffy gathering full of rich people who are shoved up their own asses?" I asked in mock shock. No one wanted to go, they went to show off to other people and be assholes.

"Well we're obviously not going to stay for long," he smirked, pulling a silver flask out of the pocket of the jacket he was wearing.

I laughed at his antics. We always do this. We did this at prom, we did this at college parties, we did it two weeks ago, and we're going to do it again tonight.

"I'm in," I threw a piece of popcorn at his head, "now turn the game back on you loser,"


"How many people here do you think would sue us for this?" I fixed my tie, slyly slipping my hand into my pocket to insure that the flask  was still there.

"Probably all," he answered as I found the cool metal, "especially that one," he pointed to a tall man, speaking with several other important looking men.

"I think that's the guy who set this party up actually," I looked at the picture of him and his family on the pamphlet that was given to us as we walked in the door.

Zayn laughed, "Yeah," he grabbed the paper from me, "self absorbed ass hole,"

"He needs a better party planner," I turned away from Zayn, raking my eyes across the room.

"You'd be cute with this kid," Zayn grabbed my attention again, pointing at the picture of the family.

I rolled my eyes, focusing on the little lad. He looked so cute, standing beside his father, hands folded behind his back. His long hair fell to his shoulders, curls softly falling across his forehead.

I laughed at his statement, "adorable," the kid's smile radiated innocence.

Zayn joined in with my laughter, knowing it was ridiculous.

"You'd smash and you know it," he laughed again, trying to keep quiet to stay under the low chatter of the men and women in the room.

I chuckled again at that, searching the party to see if the boy was here tonight.

"Already looked," Zayn leaned in to whisper, "didn't see the lad,"

"Let's get this over with," I pushed him away, looking for a place to sabotage.

The party didn't actually have a 'punch bowl' like we had expected, but there was a fountain drink dispenser, it had easy enough access to the tanks that hold the syrup for the drink flavors.

I nodded Zayn in the direction of the holder, waiting for his approval.

"No way are we going to be able to put the vodka in that without being noticed," he shook his head.

"Yeah, you're right," I sighed, looking around for another option.

"Did we come to this party to sit around and act like we belong," Zayn asked as I put my hands in my pockets in defeat. "Only to leave with our tails tucked between our legs?" He shook my shoulders ridiculously, earning a laugh from me.

"No!" He continued, "we came here to possibly get ourselves involved in a law suit!"

"How about this," I proposed, "we just get one person drunk, and have them ruin the party."

"We have enough for two," Zayn smirked back.

"Not us," I warned, knowing how I can get when I'm drunk.

"Of course not," he agreed, having been to many parties with me. "We've got to choose a couple of people to give the alcohol,"

"That guy looks like an alcoholic," I pointed to a portly man sanding by the ice machine, fidgeting in his suit.

"He also would take a lot to get drunk if he's an alcoholic," he rolled his eyes.

"How about her," he pointed to a blonde girl with dark roots making her way through the crowd, a silver dress hugged her body.

"No, too...." I looked for a word, "good," she held her head up high as if she held a considerably important position, even for as young as she looked.

Zayn nodded, focusing on a tall lad with light brown hair, speaking to a group of other young lads. "Him," he smiled. "I know the guy from uni,"

I nodded at his suggestion, knowing fully well that Zayn probably knew better than me when the subject had to do with alcohol.

"Zach!" Zayn crowed when we reached the group.

The guy dubbed 'Zach'  looked very much like he fit in at the gathering, his black jacket trimmed with silken looking material, his cuff links a sparking gold.

"Hello," he turned away from the group he was previously speaking with, dismissing them silently.

"We brought you something," Zayn motioned for me to hand him the flask, which I did; carefully pulling it out of my pocket.

"Oh yay!" Zach smiled wider, "this party was about to kill me," he laughed, unscrewing the top.

"He has no alcohol tolerance," Zayn whispered to me as Zach took a long swig of the liquor.

I giggled, watching Zach try to hand back the flask, but only to be declined by Zayn, "keep it mate. We've already had enough,"

I smiled as we walked away, Zayn already laughing, "it's only going to take about five minutes," he held a hand over his mouth childishly to hold in his giggles.

I backed away from him, reaching to grab a cookie from the platter before me and Zayn had to make our early departure.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," a deep voice spoke from behind me as a hard body ran into mine.

(A/N: hahahahahaha Larry next chapter)

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