Twenty Six

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I woke up with Harry in my arms, his body pressed closely to mine. He must've joined me after he fell asleep.

"Lou?" He shifted, keeping his voice a whisper, "My head hurts really bad," he cuddled further into my chest after he spoke.

"Do you want to go to my room?" I wrapped my arms around his slim torso, "It's warmer in there. I'll bring you some water and Advil for the headache."

"Advil?" Harry looked up at me confused.

"It'll help, just c'mon," I slipped out from under the warm covers, waiting for Harry to join me.

"Oh my god," Harry pinched tried to cover himself when he stood up and revealed his underwear, "I-I am so sorry, I don't- I just," he sighed, giving up on forming a natural sentence and removing his hands from his lace covered hips to hide his face.

"Harry," I pulled his hands away from his face, "I like them," it scared me how true that phrase was.

He relaxed when he heard my words, but kept his head down in embarrassment. "I'm really sorry,"

"Your fine love, go lay down," I led him into my room, kissing the top of his head before letting him crawl under the covers.

"You're coming back, right?" He peeked over the duvet at me, "You'll come back and cuddle me?"

"Yes, love," I smiled and closed the door behind me.

How the fuck am I supposed to cuddle him without getting a boner when I will be able to feel the lace against my fucking dick. I ran a hand through my hair, cursing myself for always cuddling Harry in only my boxers. He would think there was something wrong if I didn't. He wouldn't say anything, but he would think it.

I tried to calm myself down as I got a bottle of water out of the fridge, holding the cool object in my hands for a minute before starting to walk back to the bedroom.

"Oi! Tomlinson!" The front door swung open, Zayn yelling as he stumbled in. He was hungover too, but not nearly as bad as Harry.

"Shut the fuck up Zayn!" I whispered loudly, my eyes darting to my room to make sure Harry didn't wake up.

"Why?" He whispered back, sauntering into the kitchen to grab his own water bottle.

"Harry is really hungover that's why," I started to walk back to my bedroom.

"Did you guys, you know," Zayn shut the fridge door and made eye contact with me, "wink-wonk,"

"No, your disgusting," I walked back to my room, leaving Zayn alone. I should've wrecked his room, that asshole.

"Lou?" Harry asked as I opened the door, "Was that Zayn?"

"Yes," I crawled onto the mattress behind his figure. I tapped his shoulder lightly to get him to sit up to take the pills.

Good thing I always had Advil in my room, I had forgot to bring any with me.

He brought the blankets away from his gorgeous face, blinking his pale green eyes at the sudden brightness.

"You have to sit up, angel," I smiled at him. His hair had fallen out of whatever way he had it done last night, splaying out in messy ringlets around his head.

He complied, gripping onto my bare shoulder to lift himself up. His biceps flexed beautifully as he did so, getting comfortable and taking the bottle from my hands. He reached for the Advil silently, glancing up to my face as he swallowed the medicine. "Thank you, Lou," He leaned against my shoulder.

Looking down, I could see the top of his head and his lean body.

The way he sat accentuated his stomach muscles and collarbones, allowing for a lovely sight.  Harry was still tangled in the blanket, but I could see the light pink material of his panties peeking over the dark comforter and gripping his hips.

"Lay with me?" He asked, sliding back into bed, "I don't mean to sound so needy, I'm sorry." He  closed his eyes and covered his face with his cold hands.

"Baby, I'm going to lay with you," I chuckled at his shyness and crawled under the blankets with him, "I love cuddling with you,"

Harry smiled as I wrapped my arms around him, pushing his body into mine. Fuck, I could feel his panties right on my cock. "I feel better now," he kissed below my ear, "Thank you," he mumbled some words under his breath in what sounded like French, before cuddling down into the blankets.

"What does that mean?" I ran my hands through his hair.

"The English translation has curse words in it and I don't want to say it," he mumbled against my chest.

"Write it down and I'll look it up later?" I asked and he nodded, taking my phone from me and writing the sentence into my notes, falling asleep soon after.


"You and Louis have a good time?" Zayn asked as I led Harry to the door. He was dressed now, thankfully for the sake of my ego.

"Yeah, the party was great," Harry smiled sleepily, Zayn smirked at his innocence.

"Wink-wonk," Zayn spoke as I rushed Harry into the hallway.

"What does that mean by that?" He asked as we stepped into the elevator.

"Nothing, nothing," I shook my head. He had said Gemma was already waiting for him outside, so I wouldn't be able to wait with him, he'd just leave.

"Thank you for walking me out," he leaned up on his tip toes with a smile and pecked my lips, "Are you free Saturday?" He asked. I nodded in response.

"Please stay home then, I'll come by around noon if that's alright?" He paused, waiting to see my reaction. I smiled at him and pulled him in for a proper kiss as he finished his sentence.

"Of course, baby," I hugged him one last time before letting him walk out into the parking lot and get in the car with Gemma.

As soon as I watched the car pull away, I made my way back to the elevator, pulling out my phone.

I copied and pasted what Harry had written in my notes into the translate tab on Google, waiting for the interpretation to come up.

When it did, I nearly dropped my phone, letting out an audible gasp that made me glad I was alone in the elevator.

The absolute last thing I expected from Harry,

Fuck my mouth, Daddy

*laughs nervously*

I have no clue what kind of character Harry is omfg. He's just different around Louis.

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