( 20 ) Finding out Your Origin is Confusing

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"This is Zeref... He's your brother..."

No... What are you talking about... Why didn't I know about this...? The words wouldn't come out of my mouth as a stared at this black haired man who was supposedly my brother, in disbelief.

"We adopted you from an orphanage when you were a baby. Zeref was old enough to remember. He was sent to prestigious schools and never got the chance to be home. We didn't tell you because we didn't want you to think we adopted you to be 'trained' for success."

Silence. Silence was the only thing in my ears until my 'brother' spoke up. 

"I'm sorry for not telling you until now. I've been busy with work until recently and wanted to talk to you when I wasn't stressed with work."

My body moved on its own as I ran out of the room, filled with shock and anger. I stopped as soon as I got to the garden, and sat down on the side of the fountain. I turned as I heard footsteps and saw Lucy panting with her hands on her thighs.

"You *huff* sure do run fast," she said catching her breath. She walked over to me as soon as she could breath again, and said, "You don't have to keep it in, you can cry and get mad." I felt warmth wrap around me when she hugged me. That was it. I started crying. 

"W-why did they have to hide it from me for so long, damn it. Why are they telling me this now?" She squuezed me tighter and told me that it was ok and to let it all out.

When I was done man-sobbing, she let go of me and smiled. "It's been a pretty dramatic day, huh?" Laughter erupted from both of us as we heard someone approach us.

 "Natsu, it's Zeref. I came to say that I'm sorry and I'll be leaving now. Here's my business card." He said it like in a professional manner, which pissed me off. He handed me his card and turned around, leaving.

When he was out of my sight, I sighed. "Ne, Natsu, we should probably go in now. It's getting late."

"Yeah," I agreed, "I should go apologize to my parents for running out like that."

We held hands as we walked into the mansion.

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