The Natives call it "water"

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Nathan and Sang continued to follow the two Enforcers down the silent and sterile hallway. Noticing a wheelchair parked to the side partway down, Nathan reached over and grabbed it, helping Sang to ease herself down. Sang smiled at Nathan, although it came across as more of a grimace, but at least she was trying. The Enforcers took them down winding hallways, the sound of their shoes slapping on the cement floor, combining with the squeak of the wheel and Sang's labored breathing the only thing audible and echoing in the deserted hospital. The stopped at an elevator embankment and waited for a car to arrive to take them up, where Nathan remember the maternity ward being on the 4th floor.

Inside the elevator, the silence ensued, no canned music playing and nothing to distract them from their inner thoughts and worries. Once the elevator stopped at the appropriate floor they proceeded down another maze of hallways, finally coming to an open door at the end of a hallway. Enforcer #1 said "please enter here and wait for further instructions. As you have requested a human, we will attempt to process this request in a timely manner. We will be stationed here to ensure you do not attempt to escape. Please be advised any attempts to do so, will be met with lethal force." The Enforcers then turned to stand on either side of the doorway facing the opposite wall in silence.

Exchanging a quizzical, if not concerned glance with Sang, Nathan murmured quietly "well aren't they just bundles of fun". He wheeled Sang in, helping her out of the chair and into the hospital bed. He looked around the typical Spartan hospital room, noticing equipment in the corner he remembered from the birthing videos Sean and Kota made them all watch as being a warmer. Figuring he would need to get Sang a gown of some sort he started to look around in the drawers and cupboards, finally coming across sealed packages labeled with gown, booties, masks, etc. Taking out a gown he unwrapped it and gently helped undress and gown Sang, allowing her to rest back in bed.

"Thanks Honey, I am not sure whats going on, but given the whole Robot/Infected/Anomaly thing, I think I have changed my mind about the drugs. I am not really sure that I want to take anything that they try to give me, what you think? Is it safe, do you think they will let us go? What about the baby??" Sang asked, bringing her finger up to her lip, clearly worried and trying to keep her cool.

Nathan snagged her hand, brining her finger into his mouth to chew on it gently and responded, "Peanut, I think that saying no to the drugs is probably a good idea unless you REALLY need to. They kept mentioning antibodies and biomedical stuff and I don't want them to give you something we don't know about ok?". Sang nodded and squeezed is hand as another contraction hit her, "Honey they are closer to 5 minutes apart now, what do we do??". Just then the door opened and a familiar figure in a white coat glided in. "Dr. Roberts! Oh my god, finally someone to help us out with this craziness. Peanut is in labour, contractions 5 minutes apart, these weird robot enforcer things seem to think we are imposters and that I'm dead and no one will help us or tell us whats wrong!" Nathan rambled on, feeling such a relief knowing that someone he trusted was there to look after them.

Dr. Roberts looked at Sang and then back to Nathan, serene smile in place and said "Hello, I am PR 2000, healthcare provider entity and I am here to assist the breeding female with the delivery of your young. Please place your lower limbs in to the stirrups at the bottom of the table and I shall examine you."

"Oh, god, not Dr. Roberts too", thought Sang, as she scooted down the bed to put her feet in the dreaded cold metal stirrups, exposing herself to the room, far beyond her normal shyness due to the worsening pain she was feeling and pressure to get this baby out. The Dr. Roberts bot, pulled on gloves before approaching Sang, although why exactly was lost on her, if he was a robot he couldn't get infected by anything. Surprisingly, he was gentle as he bent down and examined her, advising them she was 8cm dilated and should be ready to push shortly. He then turned and glided out of the room without another word.

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