This love was not meant to be,
I was the one falling in love,
and you were the one having fun.
I was the one struggling for you,
you were the one effortlessly kissing.
You stole my heart,
my soul,
and I stole your attention,
and wishes.

The Random Book of Poems | ✓
PoésieJust a book filled with random poems I wrote that are not in order but reflects on my feelings and society, as well as the things around us. --- unedited and unchanged poetry, c. 2014-16 completed, 2016
This love was not meant to be,
I was the one falling in love,
and you were the one having fun.
I was the one struggling for you,
you were the one effortlessly kissing.
You stole my heart,
my soul,
and I stole your attention,
and wishes.