Calls of The Forest

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' Hiccup....Hiccup...come....forest.....
change....forever '

* Scream *

The voices are getting louder. More persistent in my dreams. They startle me out of bed. Going as far as bed sweats and constant falls to my floor. The images were always of war. So many dragons dying over and over. My hands moved to my temples, rubbing the pictures away.

My dad must've heard my scream. I could hear his heavy foot steps on the steps, along with a headache. His steps made my growing headache worse. He charged into my room, waking Toothless from his slumber. My dad's eyes widen seeing my body trembling.

" Hiccup, What happened? " he asked in a concern tone.

I got a grip of my shaking before I spoke. My voice, shaky.

" Nothing Dad, just a nightmare. " I lied.

He gave a loud sigh. Pinching the bridge of his noise. " It's been a week.... and your still having these nightmares. Maybe you should go see Gothi..... "

I nodded, hopping at the chance to get away from talking about my
' nightmares ' any further. Toothless got the same idea and jumped next to my bed.

" Your right. I'll should go to Gothi's. I be back in a bit. " I agreed swinging my legs from my bed.

I left the house before my dad had any other input. Toothless hopped out my window meeting me outside with his worried gummy smile. I gave him a scratch on the chin before our walk to Gothi's. I just hope the others don't see me.

" Hiccup! "

Spoke to soon, Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruff and Tuff waved to me as they approach us. I turned to Toothless with a ' RUN! ' look.

I didn't want to talk to them, not today. So we high tailed it out of there. Being around Toothless I've gained his speed and agility which comes in handy for stuff like this.

" Hiccup! Wait up! " Snotlout yelled, running around us.

' Hiccup.....Come....Come...Prince....
Forest.....change... '

Why now? Why did the voices have to come now? My head pounded from these new voices. I need to get to Gothi's. Toothless gave me a worried look all the way up the village. I was careful not to knock anything over as we ran, my blurring vision didn't help. Had I fallen over Toothless would've forced me to ride on his back.

" Hiccup! " Astrid shouted, trying to catch up.

" Wow! I didn't know he was this fast. " Snotlout stated, admiring my speed.

I smiled, seeing I was losing them as Gothi's hut come into view. I picked up my pace glancing back to the others. They were barely coming to the edge of the village.

I just out ran them! Me, the fishbone. I slowed my pass, coming into Gothi's hut at a jog. Quietly locking the door I waited for my breath to even out.

Gothi always cared this look towards people saying ' I already know why your here '.

I turned to Toothless patting him on his head for a job well done.

" Gothi....the voices...they're getting worse. It getting unbarring loud causing me have headaches close to migraines. There not appearing in my dreams anymore....they seem to appear during the day as well. " I stated.

I only discussed the true reason behind my nightmares to only Gothi and Toothless. I trust them more then anybody else in this village, that includes my dad.

Gothi looked up and down nodding. She pulled out a beautifully carved wooden bottle, pouring the contents into a cup. She handed it to me pointing to her head.

" This will help my the voices? As well as my headaches? " I relaid her gestures.

She nodded.

* Sigh * " Here goes nothing. " I braised for the worst taste possible.

I drank all of the medicine shivering just like the fish Toothless gave me when we first met. I would've taken the fish over this medicine.

Gothi chuckled taking the cup from my hands. I yawned watching her clean the cup, stretching my mussels. Toothless looked drowsy as well.

" Gothi? Is it alright if we sleep here for a bit? " I asked. I didn't want to face my dad, not yet.

She nodded gesturing to her bed. I motioned my head to Toothless kindly declining her offer of me sleeping in her bed.

Toothless unwrapped his wig making a bed for me. I crawled down in his arms using his shoulder as a pillow. I waved to Gothi goodnight as Toothless closed his wig like a blanket.

He moved his head next to me. He makes me smile. I rubbing the top of his head, drifting off into to sleep. For the first time since the battle with The Red Death I felt safe.

I know it's short. But! It's just the first chapter. I'm already working on other chapters so don't worry about long updates :)

Once again I like to thank NeonPinkBlackRose.

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