The Sleepover

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You grab your phone off of your desk and text Alex.
You/ Hey! Do you wanna meet up to get some coffee or something today?
Alex/ Yeah sure, I will meet you at Starbucks in about an hour? That sound good?
You/ Yeah that sounds great! See you there
-time skip-
"Hey Alex!" You said. "Hey y/n!" She replied. You both order something and sit down at the nearest clean table. "So how did everything go with your friends?" You ask. "Great, we did the whisper challenge and it was so fun." She replied. "Hehehe I bet it was. Maybe you could come over tonight and we can have some fun at my house!" You said. "Oh my gosh yes! We are the same size so we could share clothes and my parents wouldn't mind as long as I text them." She replied. "All I have to do is tell my mom I'm having a friend over and she won't care."

You both text your parents and head back to your house after picking up some monster energy drinks from the gas station. You walk into your house and head up the stairs to your room. "Woah, y/n, your room is so awesome! Look at all the posters!" Alex said. "Thank you very much!"
-time skip-
You both get a bowl of some ice cream and head back to your room, you both ate your ice cream then decided to take showers. "I can take the first shower if you want me to." You said. "Thanks, that would be great. I will just play on my phone till you get out." Alex replied. You get in the shower and sing 'Deathbeds' by bmth and some other songs, then get out and dry off and get dressed and all that stuff.

You walk back into your room and find Alex crying on your bed. "WOAH, What happened while I was gone?!?" She handed you her phone to reveal hate texts and comments on all social media she had. The messages were terrible. You sat down next to Alex and held her close to your chest. "Alex...I'm so sorry what they said to you, if I knew who they were, I would beat their asses." You said. "B-but they are r-right about all of that... Nobody likes me, you p-probably hate me..." Alex replied. You looked at her in disbelief and shock. "Alex, I would never hate you or do anything to hurt you. You are an amazing person and I'm shocked that they don't think the same. Its gonna be ok, I promise." You replied.
Alex looks into yours eyes and you stare into hers. Its almost like time is frozen. She slowly started leaning in, and so did you. You closed your eyes and felt her lips press against yours. Time really was frozen, and you didn't want it to start again. Your lips intertwined perfectly, movement after movement. The kiss was perfect as if it were meant to be. You both slowly pulled away, and locked eyes once again. "W-woah..." Alex said. "Wow are a great kisser." You replied. She blushed "Y/n...I think that...I'm in love with you."

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