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You wake up the next morning and walk to the kitchen and make a bowl of cereal. You notice Alex was on the phone in the living room, so you made her a bowl too. She hung up and ate her bowl of cereal as you ate yours. "So who was that on the phone?" You ask. "The guy that I told you about yesterday, he is gonna be here in about an hour to discuss the wedding with us." Alex replied. "Oh that guy! What is his name by the way?" You ask. "His name is Damon." Alex replied. "Oh ok." You reply as you take your last bite of cereal. You put your bowl in the dishwasher and go to take a quick shower. Alex finished her bowl and got dressed, then did her makeup and hair.
-time skip-
"Hi! I'm Damon, nice to meet you!" Damon said energetically. "Hi, I'm y/n" you replied. "Hey Damon. Thanks for coming on such short notice." Alex said. "Oh its fine! So, let's jump right in!" Damon said sitting down on the couch. "So did you have anything special in mind? Any requests or anything?" Damon asked. "Well, we wanna do black and white theme. Y/n has a black dress and I have a white dress. We also wanna do it around Christmas time, so we were thinking that when we do the kiss, we could stand under mistletoe." Alex explained. "Perfect idea! Maybe since its black and white, we could do yin and yang!" Damon replied. "That idea is amazing. I love yin and yang, a lot." You reply. "Well, now we have theme, let's gets started on where will the wedding be located." Damon said. "Maybe we could do it at my old house? Nobody lives there, but its on this tall hill. You can see miles away from where ever you stand, and we could do it on the porch." You reply. "That sounds awesome!" Damon said as his watch beeped. "Shit." He mumbled under his breath. "Sorry guys, I have to go to another appointment but I will be back tomorrow at..let's say 11:30?" Damon said. "Yeah, that'll work." Alex replied. "Ok well bye Damon." You said. "Bye guys." Damon said as he left.
"So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Alex asked. "We could spend time by writing our vows." You replied. "Sure. I will go lay on the couch and you can go sit on the bed or something." Alex said. "Ok." You replied.
Vows...hmm... You thought to yourself as you sat down with paper. All of a sudden you got a great idea. You grabbed a pencil and paper and started writing.

I, y/n, take you, Alex, to be my forever love. I swear to share my food with you, send you links to things I find funny, not get mad when you hog the covers, text you back as soon as I can, and to make you truly happy. But now I have serious things to say.
I promise to take you, as my best friend, faithful spouse, my love, but most importantly, my wife. I swear to always love you, and never to hurt you. I give you my life now, over to you. Alex Dorame, I love you.

The day finally passed and you and Alex slept without disturbance. Your sleep was deep and better than a normal night.

Hey guys, sorry it was kinda short :/ and that the vows were so meh. I will be updating whenever I can, so there isn't a schedule for it right now. But anyways, thanks for reading! *hugs*

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