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(smut ahead be aware of that (⌒▽⌒) )

Rodney was doodling a random smiley face all over his assignment as he chatted away with his group of female friends he hangs out with. Suddenly they brought up a name whose owner that had a really bad history with Rodney was brought into the conversation and suddenly he spoke in his sassy like attitude
"Fuck that bitch I'll fuck her up if I see that bitch". The group bursted out in huge fits of laughter when it suddenly got quiet as a tall figure stood over them and just looked at Rodney with piercing blue eyes.
"Rodney, 1 hour after school for that kind of language in my class! Is that understood!?"
Rodney looked behind him and stared into Mr.Rennickson's piercing blue eyes as they stared back with serious anger and disappointment.
Rodney hold back the urge of bursting out laughing and nodded a little terrified,
"Yes Ma'am-I mean sir!!",he stuttered as his group of friends and himself started dying of laughter.
Rodney suddenly flinched when Mr.Rennickson's hands slammed onto his desk as he calmly as he could,replied to Rodney to step outside for a minute. Rodney obeyed now actually frightened and walked outside unaware of what his punishment would be. Mr.Rennickson looked at the class and excused himself for about 20 minutes as he left his assistant in charge of watching the class as he walked out and walked Rodney over to the empty Teacher lounge. Rodney was really confused of what was going on and dragged his tired feet into the lounge, getting the feeling of something bad about to happen as the older male shut and locked the door walking over to Rodney and pinned him against the vending machine. Rodney's heart suddenly paced up and adrenaline ran through his body as he started to shrink under his sweater as he felt soft but cold lips meet his and his eyes widened immediately. He wanted to pull away,but there were reasons he couldn't like he could hit his head and get a really bad bruise,but the main reason was because he was enjoying the kiss. He enjoyed and loved every second as the older male slid his veiny arm up his shirt and sweater and started to run his hands up and down through the younger boy's sides and waist.
Rodney suddenly pulled away,for his need of air and to breathe made him come back to reality as he looked at Mr.Rennickson and freaked out.

"WHAT THE HELL MR.RENNICKSON!?",Rodney yelled,super shocked but surprisingly not disgusted. He would have never imagined himself having a relationship with a male but he was wrong,oh so wrong.
Mr.Rennickson licked his lips and gave Rodney a very seductive look in his eyes.
"That reminds me,it's punishment time~", He purred into the younger male's ear as he picked up Rodney from his butt and walked them over to a chair. He laid Rodney on his stomach onto his lap and pulled down his pants and growled at Rodney in a very seductive way,
"Every time I whip you,call me Daddy while apologizing for what you did earlier,understood?".
"Yes D-Daddy!",Rodney squeaked very afraid of what was happening but his thoughts were cit off by a huge smack to his ass and he squeaked,
"I'm sorry daddy! I will never-Ahh! I won't ever cuss in your class ever again-Ah!! Daddy!",He repeated multiple times. After a few minutes,Mr.Rennickson pulled away his hand from Rodney's red plump butt and started to unzip his own shorts, to which Rodney had no idea of because he was trying to get back on his feet with out wincing at the pain from his bum. Long veiny arms pulled him back onto his lap both of them pantless as Mr.Rennickson thrusted inside of Rodney. Rodney's eyes widened as they immediately filled up with tears and let out a moan like whimper. He didn't know how to react to such a painful yet pleasurable feeling as he continued to thrust nonstop for the remaining minutes as Mr.Rennickson filled Rodney with his seed as he pulled out and Rodney was left breathing heavy feeling very sticky. They both cleaned up and got dressed as they quickly hurried back to the class speechless.

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