They Say I Can't Last A Day In The Real World

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I opened my eyes slightly, it was just enough to see the outlines of the furniture in my room through the darkness that filled the room. Everything was silent meaning either it’s really early and everyone’s still passed out or it’s really late and I was a lot more drunk than I thought I was last night. Either way my head’s still going to hurt like hell! I think I’ll just stay in bed today, I don’t fancy seeing Emma’s disapproving face when she sees how trashed the place is.

Once I’m awake I can never fully go back to sleep, it’s rather annoying living in London when you have this problem because the slightest noise becomes a huge distraction from sleep no matter how tired you may be. I don’t think I’d been conscious long when I heard Emma shouting at people to get out, obviously the place is a lot worse than I remember, oops.

“Get the fuck out!” I heard Emma shout from the living room, I think. “You have till the count of three to get out before I physically throw you out and don’t think I won’t because I swear to god!”

There was a small pause before the sound of Emma carrying out her threat filled the apartment; she’s got a mean streak that girl.

“Keah get in here now!” Ugh, if she thinks I’m getting up today she’s got another thing coming. “Don’t make me come in there.”

Anyone would think she’s my mother not my best friend.

Slowly I crawled out of bed; the feeling of the cold wooden floor against my bare feet caused me to jump ever so slightly I wasn’t expecting it to be so cold. I caught a glimpse of myself as I passed my mirror, well don’t I look a fucking mess. My hair’s a mix between rat tails and a birds nest at the moment and my with the mascara, eyeliner and black bags under my eyes I think it’s safe to say I’m definitely rocking the panda look. Wonder if Emma likes it? Ha-ha.

“Well if it isn’t sleeping beauty? Well maybe beauty isn’t the right word ha-ha.” Emma chuckled as she handed me a cup of coffee. “So a good night I take it?”

“Meh, good isn’t the word I’d use. I’m tired of spending my nights with them.” I mumbled as I sipped my coffee. “Where were you last night anyway?”

“Oh Kat is back from California for a about a month and a half so we wanted to spend as much time together as we could.” Emma smiled sadly. “She doesn’t know when she’ll be next down.”

“Come on babe, it isn’t that bad at least she’s here now. I’m surprised you didn’t bring her back with you this morning” I said giving her arm a quick squeeze.

Kat and Emma have been going out for about a year or so now but since Emma moved to London it’s obviously been hard for them to see each other. I’m surprised Emma hasn’t gone back to California by now; I don’t mean that to sound harsh though I know it does. It’s just she misses her terrible throughout the months they’re apart. Kat’s a journalist and doesn’t get much time off which sucks for them both I guess. And Emma’s come over here to become a teacher, I don’t know why she came over here to do it but I guess if she hadn’t I’d never of met her.

“I suppose you’re right and she’s down for my birthday which should be epic. I man who wouldn’t want to spend their birthday with their to best girls ay?” She laughed before finishing the rest of her coffee.

 FUCK! I completely forgot about Emma's birthday!

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