Taken Hostage

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"What are nook Sniffers?"

"I have no idea."

After the Allies called for a ship and brought the enraged troll onboard, with much difficulty, they had chained her to a wall in the boules of the ship and looked the thick iron door. Once the troll finally calmed down, muttering a few foreign curses under its breath, Germany went to fetch her for the interrogation.

The second he entered the room he was met by the sound of...nothing. It was dead silent. The troll was still there of course, but she was just...silent. Not moving a muscle or breathing for that matter. This frightened the blue eyed German terribly though he did not let it show. The troll's eyes were dark, like a shark's when it has tasted the blood of its foes.

Germany took a step forward and stopped, when no reaction came from the (h/l) blacked haired troll he took another step, and another, until finally he stood in front of her. (Y/n) did nothing. She simply stared him in the eye and bit her lip.

"You're going to kill me now aren't you?"

Her sudden act to speak startled Germany, causing him to jump. He shook his head to clear his thoughts before answering, "No frau, ve just vant to talk vith jou."

The grey eyed troll stared at him for a moment more before slowly lowering her head, looking at her shoes.

Germany watched her, let out a small sigh, and unlocked her bindings. His muscles tensed, waiting for her to take off but she never did. She just sat there until...

"C-can you carry me?"

Now THIS shocked Germany. He stared at the grey skinned alien, trying to process what she just asked.

Sensing his stare, (y/n) turned her head away, "I-it's not like I want you to. While I was... While I was trying to escape I...I hurt myself. Now I can't walk."

And for the first time since he entered the room, Germany looked down at their captive's ankles and almost vomited.

"A...alright. I vill help."


"Dudes! What' staking Germany so long?"

"How should we know you git?!?"

"Oh~ Why so cruel? Ohonohonohonoh~"


"Look every-a-one! Doitsu is-a here ve~"

Everyone stopped trying to murder eachother and abruptly turned towards the open door to see the German....carrying....their hostage, who had...had lightning blue stained bandages wrapped around her ankles.

Before anyone could speak up, Germany ordered, "I vill explain in a moment. Get the Frau a chair unt more bandages. NOW!"

Everybody ran around desperately, England and America got the hurting girl a chair as Germany and Italy gently placed her in it. France somehow found a overstuffed footrest and placed her feet upon it. Japan and China began to change the bandages and Russia rubbed the troll's shoulders, trying to help her ignore the pain to no avail.

"Wh-why are you guyth helping me? A-*hiss*

(Y/n)  just glared at her freshly wrapped ankles and muttered some more curses under her breath.

"Umm, not to be rude but...why is your brood brue?"

That's when it hit them. They all turned towards the young troll, the towards the electric blue stained bandages that lay in the trash.

"N-not telling."

(Y/n) let out a yelp in pain as Russia gripped her shoulders tighter.

"Tell us or we will force it out. Da?"

"...Do your wortht. Uth trollth don't die eathily."

The platinum hair male took a step back in surprise, as did the other countries. No one had ever stood up to Russia before, let alone challenge him.

"L-look love, j-just tell you s o-or bad things a-are go-gonna happen." Great Britain stuttered as he and the rest of the nations cowered away from the scarf bearing man's dark aura.

(Y/n) licked her fangs that hung over her bottom lip and glared at England with grey eyes. A shiver ran up his spine and America spoke up, "Hh, I guess we have no ch-"


All eyes snapped back towards the troll as a look of remembrance flashed across her face as she continued, "I-I'll tell you e-everything about my species if you help m-me find a few people."

This raised a few eyebrows, "Explain, da?"

"It's the reason why I'm here, okay! I'm looking for four people, two boys, two girls. They somehow...fell onto your planet and I need to get them back."


"Because if I don't, then not only this world but my world will be destroyed!"

A wave of silence swept over the countries.

"Well it seems that we have no choice, aru~"

"China's right dudes! WE HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER!"



"D-doitsu! I'm scared!"


"Become one with Mother Russia, da?"



All heads turned towards the injured troll as she glared at them, "Now listen up, I have just gained this knowledge from the one know as Japan. All of you have the ability to search and find nearly anyone in the country that you represent, which means that you are of the upmost value to me and my cause. You obviously want to know more about my kind, but I will not tell another word if you do not help me and you all won't be able to do that if you don't f***ing stop trying to kill each other d*****!"

"Well aren't 'ou a feisty one?

"Thut the f*** up frenchy."

(Y/n) simply glared at french as the other sweatdropped.

"U-um...How about you go get some rest, love? It's going to be a while before we get to our destination." England proposed, gesturing for the young troll to follow him.

"Yeah, yeah just take me to the respet block already."

"Respet block?"

"Urgh! Sleeping chamber, or whatever you meat-sacks call it."

"Uh...okay." and with that England helped (y/n) to her room, the other countries watching with confusion.

"You know, they way she speaks....it sounds....kinda familiar." America muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing.... Nothing at all."

Oh how wrong he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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