Chapter 5

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"This is so unfair, it's my summer holiday!" I shout.

"Yeah, but I don't want you to be bored." 

I laugh. "Trust me I won't get bored."

"I'm your father and I say that you are going too school," he raises his voice.

I laughed, "yeah, well you haven't done a very good job of it yet."

He sighed, "just go to school before I call your Mum."

I snorted, "and what is she going to do?"

"I will call Rob."

I froze.

Crap. He didn't realise what he just threatened me with.

"Fine, I'm going to school."

Alex whispers, "who's Rob?"

I ignore him and pretend like it never happened.

"Who's Rob?" he asks again.

I turn around and hiss, "shut it."


Alex and I walk through the front doors of school, earning a couple a glares.

Stay away from Alex, got it. Alex smiles and winks at a couple of different girls then stops by the footballers. The school looks like there aren't set groups, apart from the populars and footballers. Everyone else just kind of seems to merge and groups of all sizes and shapes line the hallways.

After they have all done the weird bro hand shake he turns to me, "oh this is Amelie by the way."

I roll my eyes as they all size me up, is she a nobody? A popular? Potential girlfriend? 

I would love to get as far away from them as possible but I don't know where anything is and Alex needs to show me.

"Yo, are you two together or something?" some big kid asks.

Alex snorts, "no, you can have at her."

"Umm no," I roll my eyes, "you are taking me to the office."

Alex sighs before leading me back the way we came, "you know, you really are no fun."

I don't say anything.

"You are nothing like him."


"My Dad," as he says it I clench my fists.


"My Mom told me."


"You, Dad, your Mom, everything."

I'm going to kill that woman.

"It wasn't her story to tell."

"Whatever you say darlin'."

"I'll find my class myself," I sighed.

It didn't take me too long to find my class as there was a map of the school attached to my timetable. As I walked through the door everyone stopped talking and stared at me, the teacher welcomed me and told me to take a seat wherever.

As she continued talking about the respiratory system I looked around and saw everyone was still staring at me.


Just at that moment Alex decides to swing into class, "sorry I'm late Miss."

She smiles, "not a problem Alex, take a seat."

Alex smiles and I swear I was blinded by it, "hi Amelie, nice to see you are finally wearing some clothes."

I freeze, my eyes wide, now the whole class starts murmuring, cue the rumour mill.

I will never live this down.

Alex smiles like nothing happened and slid into the seat next to me.


Just great.

I sink down in my chair a little as I feel my cheeks flush red, why am I even here?


"Want to sit with me at lunch?" Alex asks.

"Nope," I say trying to walk away quickly.

Alex shoves me into the wall slightly and whispers, "look if you want to get through this school year without any trouble I suggest if I tell you to do something you do it."

I let out a small chuckle.

"Lets try that again, come eat lunch at my table."

"Let me think, still no," I say as I knee him in his private parts and turn on my heels, storming down the corridor.

I pick the table furthest away from everyone and sit down, I pull out my phone and stick my earphones in, hitting play on my playlist.

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