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"Link... I... I can't take it anymore."

"You are the worst person. You're cold hearted, you're selfish, Goddesses, I don't even know why I was... I was in love with you."

"You always insult me. You treat me like a last fucking result for everything. You know how I feel too... and you still treat me like that."

"I'm done. I don't want to talk to you anymore, I don't want to text you anymore... I don't even want to be near you anymore. It's not like you would care, anyway..."

Her words played over and over in my mind.

"Zel, no.. please... I'm sorry... I'm a jerk... but, it... it's only because I l-"

"What? Because you like me you think you can treat me like dirt? Fuck off. Just fuck off already, Link. This isn't some five year old child crush. You can't just act like a jerk because you supposedly 'like' me. I've let you know how I feel thousands of times. I've dropped so many hints. You never picked them up. You saw them, but all you did was kick them aside, or stomp on them."

"Zel, no... ok, yes. I am so sorry, Zelda. I-I don't know why I act the way I act, it's just... Goddesses, I am so fucking sorry, Zel."

She looked at me. Shamefully. Tears streamed down her face. It broke my heart to see her like that, and it broke even more when I realized I must've put her through that millions of times. I grabbed her hand and held it tightly. She tried pulling away, but I just pulled her in and held her arms down as I kissed her lips.

I thought this would be like those movies, the ones where you kiss the girl and all is forgiven... And for a moment, it was true. She kissed me back. Her lips were so soft, like a freshly bloomed rose petal. Suddenly, she pulled away and looked at me in disgust.

I was going to pull her in again when- slap.

My cheek stung as I gently placed my hand over it, trying to ease the pain.

"Bye, Link" she said coldly, slamming the door, leaving me alone in my house.

I dropped to my knees.

That didn't just happen... that didn't... it didn't happen... She wouldn't just leave me, or so I thought...

"Fuck... fuck. Fuck!" I screamed, grabbing my hair in my hands. I was filled with rage, pain, agony; I growled in frustration.

"FUCK!" I screamed, punching a a hole through the wall. I pulled my plaster covered fist out, seeing that my knuckles were greatly bruised.

I fell to the ground, taking deep breaths, only seeing red.

I pounded the floor with my undamaged hand, my anger fuming as I cried out in agony.

A small squeak coming from under the bed snapped me out of my temper tantrum.

I looked under the bed and reached my hand underneath it, and felt something fuzzy.

I yanked the fluffy object out of its hiding place and saw a little dark green wolf plushie. It had fierce blue eyes and intricate white designs that went from the head down to the muzzle. Hanging from the ear was a small tag.

"I hope you have a great birthday, and rest of your life..." I flipped it over and saw that the tag was sighned, " ~ Zelda"

"She had gotten this for me..." I whispered.

I squeezed the wolf and it made a small squeak. Then, the sound of a recording came from the animal.

"I love you, Link." Zelda's voice rang out. I flung my hand to my mouth, covering it. I squeezed the doll again, desperate to hear her voice.

"I love you, Link."

"I love you, Link."

"I love you, Link."

The haunting mantra kept playing.

She was probably going to give it to me during the party. Then I was drunk and... and I went too far...

I clenched my eyes shut as tears sprang to my eyes, begging to forget all of this.

"I'm so... sorry, Zel..." I said, sobbing quietly.

" I love you, Link" it played once again.

"I love you, Zelda" I cried


Heeyyy my Strangers! Don't worry, I'm not dead! Just... High school has taken its toll on me... sorry for not posting ANYTHING. Oh well... I hope you enjoyed this one shot, and I will be updating asap. I love you all! Stay Strange!

♡ - Em

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