chapter 7

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its been 2 weeks since Mingyu officially became an member of club 17. Of course, it was tiring to stay back every Monday and Friday for club sessions and rap practice. Ever since that little rap competition, Hansol has been coming to rap practice 20 minutes earlier for warm ups and he also has been searching up " kpop rap karaoke" on YouTube so that he can practice his rap. He's probably still affected by the loss.

Mingyu has been getting close to the other club members too.

Especially Wonwoo.

Its like every club session, Mingyu runs up to Wonwoo and talks to him about rap and other random stuff like food or how Wonwoo's hair looks great . Its as if Mingyu has become an metal while Wonwoo is the magnet. Mingyu doesn't notice nor care about how he's being so close to Wonwoo which he didn't want to previously.

Besides...Its already an regular basis for Mingyu to talk to Wonwoo.



Mingyu grabs his glass of milk and glups it down in one shot. slamming the empty glass cup onto the table, Mingyu shoves his feet into his school shoes and heads for school. Well, Mingyu wasn't late today but the canteen opens early and it sells the best Ttebokki that could make you cry as you chew on the chewy rice cake covered in that spicy ass sauce.

"Bless Dino for feeding me those that day."

Mingyu still remembers the spicy sauce burning his bottom lips,his tongue and literally, his whole mouth. Even though he can still feel the burning sensation in his mouth, His mouth still flows with salvia when the image of the ttebokki comes into his mind. The red colored sauce...the chewy white Rice cake...the smell OF THE TTEBOKKI...THE SPICY YET SWEET SAUCE... OH MY GOD...

"I need it now."

Mingyu yells as he punches upwards to the sky .

"Mingyu, what the fuck? "

Mingyu recognized that deep sexy mature voice. It belongs to Wonwoo, his "magnet".

"please erase from your head of whatever you just heard."


Mingyu rolls his eyes at Wonwoo, whose squatting down to pat an cat. He looked so immersed with the patting as his eyes gave off an very soft and kind vibe. Mingyu could see the elder grinning softly as his hand touches the black cat's soft fur. The cat purrs loudly at the pleasure it was having from Wonwoo.

Mingyu couldn't help but smile as he looks at Wonwoo who was enjoying his time with the cat. The cat too was enjoying the pats and touches coming from Wonwoo. The black haired boy let's out an small chuckle when the cat licks his index finger when he pokes the cats nose . It felt ticklish but it somewhat meant to him that it likes Wonwoo.

"so, you like cats?" Mingyu asked as he squats beside Wonwoo. He too looks at the cat as it circles around Wonwoo,purring.

Wonwoo glares at Mingyu coldy before giving him an flick on the forehead.

"OWWW! "

Mingyu puts his hand on his forehead and rubs it furiously.that really hurts.

"I don't like cats. I love cats."

Wonwoo emphasizes on the word "love" as though cats are his life and that they have to be protected at all cost.

"geez.. OK, I get it. You love cats..."

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