chapter 14: you're for me

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(a/n: I'm not sure if it's your or you're... Pls correct me :'3)

"you what??" Jisoo coughed as he chocked on his hot coffee.

"I'm going to accept to Jeon Wonwoo! Jesus Christ, didn't you heard me?" Mingyu cried as he paid up for his sandwich.

"I did. I just can't believe your going to accept that NICE boy" Jisoo said sarcastically as he walks out the convenience store with Mingyu.

"well, I like him. And he likes me. " Mingyu rolled his eyes as he tears the wrapper off.

"fine. good for you. hashtag: stay strong. " Jisoo teased.

"thing is, how will I do it? I don't want go just do it normally. " Mingyu munched on his sandwich.

"I don't know Lol. Uh... Do it the kdrama way where you slam him to the wall and move your face closer to his and say I lo-"

"no. Hyung. no. "

"oh what do I know? Oh yea, s.coups told me there's rap practice for y'all at two thir- "

"OH MY GOD! HYUNG! " Mingyu shouted as he placed his arm onto Jisoo.

Jisoo almost spilled his coffee onto his shirt but it was a good thing he didn't.

"WHAT? you almost spilled my coffee!"

"I KNOW WHAT TO DO!! THANKS HYUNG! I LOVE YOU! " mingyu grinned as he gave Jisoo a big hug before running off, leaving jisoo standing there, confused.


"Wonwoo!" Jeonghan cries as he runs to wonwoo who was at the other side of the hallway.

"yes hyung? " Wonwoo answered.

"are you an idiot or what? there's a note on your desk! Didn't you read it? "


"well, good thing I bought it for you. Here. Looks like a love confession...hmmm.."

Wonwoo snatches the note from Jeonghan's hands and read it quickly.

"did you see anyone putting a note on my desk?" Wonwoo asked in a serious tone.

"nope. Hey, why do you sound so serious?" Jeonghan chuckled.

"because I don't accept any confessions. " Wonwoo crushed the note and shoves it into his pocket.

"awww. cmon! give that girl a chance." Jeonghan pouted.

"no. I already confessed to Mingyu. Why should I? "

"in case Mingyu rejects you."

"fuck off hyung."


Wonwoo makes his way to the male's restroom. He finds a empty stall and locks the door shut.

opening the crumbled note, he reads the words carefully.

"because I'M gEtting anxious
you're the only guy
in this large fiEld
In my eyes, iT's only you
does Anyone objecT?"

"what the fuck? what's this shit? " Wonwoo mumbled to himself.

Why would a girl confess to him? besides, Wonwoo doesn't attract lots of girls. Jeonghan does.

Puffing his cheeks, he shoves the note into his pocket.

Since Maths class is about going to start in 10 minutes, he might as well go get his textbooks from his locker.

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