Chapter 1: First Gaze

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*School bell rang*

Yuu(A/N): This scene is taken at the School Gate :3

"Ooi, Little Boy! Move out;of the way! You're blocking my path!" He yelled from a distance. He continued walking and apparently gave me a death stare.

Geez.. so rude. Well.. just go along with It..

"I-I'm sorry.." I apologized and walked in.

Yuu(A/N):*pops out* Hey!
You'll be seeing me around the story, so.
Before this story continues, let'get to know our Character, a'ight?
This scene Is taken in naomi's house.

Naomi's P.o.v

"Naomi! Naomi, come down, breakfast is ready!" Mom yelled from..

(A/N)hmm.. I don't think he knows where.. xD

"I'll be right there in a short while, mom!" I replied back.
Oh gosh, 1st year attending High School in Tokyo. I'm very excited about this.
I'm 13 years old and my dream job is to be an artist, like my dad!

I grabbed my blazer and head downstairs.

"Onii-chan! I've packed your bag for you, I deserve MORE love than before!"
I chuckled and hugged her.
Are little sister always this cute?

She went behind me and pushed me towards the dining table. Oh my..

"Awwh, your first day of Highschool, huh. In tokyo, majority of the schools here requires extra fund.. and thanks to your dad, he found a school that doesn't take up too much expenses on your belongings there, I'd say we hit jackpot. Haha!" She laughed.

Dad is currently away for a new job interview, working in a Manga department. Ooh, I just love when he draws us.

After the tons of praise for dad, she immediately snapped back and gave me a tons of advice on making new friends and know my manners when I'm there.
The part where I don't understand is that...

"Also, one more thing. If someone attempts to hurt you, bat your eyelashes! Give them a stare and apologize if you did something wrong." She pinches my cheeks.

Uhh.. what's with my eyelashes..!? And what does it have to do with me being in trouble..!?

"Nii-chan, I'm going to be honest here. Judging from that confused face of yours, you have long, soft hair, big blue pair of eyes with eyelashes that makes it bigger. Soft skin, feminine-like body and.. You care for me too much. " she giggled while walking behind me, touching and poking me all over.
Are little sister always this observant!?

"Gee, thanks sis.. alright, I have to go now. Bye!" I kissed their cheeks, waves and head to school after putting on my shoes and grabbing my bag.

(A/N): Hueee~ This scene..

Walking down the School Gate

I stared at the HUGE school. Well, I'm not surprised when it's only natural that it's big because it's the biggest, prestigious and elite in majority of the schools around Tokyo.

I looks down and sighed. As I looked around, most of them knew each other.. they call everyone by their first name. Oh no, I'm jealous..

I'm the only one In my previous school who entered this school.

As I started sulking (xD), a tall boy, strong build, has a blonde shiny hair, deep red eyes and alot of things I could mention.. also, is he.. my senpai?

"Ooi, kid! Move out of the way" he demanded.

Eh.. oh no, am I getting in trouble..!? Wha.. what did I do..?

At that point, I remembered what mom and my younger sister said to me about getting hurt and sighed.

Well... here goes nothing..
I turned to him and blinks a couple times, not budging to move and gave him a stare.

"U-Uhh.. I'm.. I'm sorry!" I bowed and turns to the gate and walks in.

That felt.. weird..

I wonder why his cheek got red..
A sudden firm but warm, gentle skin squeezed on my hand and pulled me to the men's room.

"H-Hey, what do you think.. you're doing!?" I said, panting and catches breath. As I look up at him, he holds my hand and kisses it.


"Jack.. Jack Aswell" he smiles.

Jack.. aswell..? I've kind of...heard it before.. but where?

"Umm..?" I tilted my head sideways and gave him a couple blink as a sign of confusion. Oh look, his cheek became red again, haha!
Eh.. why did I... laughed from his reaction..!?

"It's my name. Nice seeing you.. again." He kisses again. OF ALL PLACES, WHY THE RESTROOM!?

And.. what did he mean by.. again?

"Hey, Kuruha! Wait for me!" A sudden flashback of a scene..

Who.. who's that boy? I saw myself.. but.. who'se the other one? More importantly.. what was that!?

A few seconds after the flashback ended, my body just fell and is unable to move. I tried budging but it just wouldn't cooperate.

"Naomi.. naomi!? Wake up! Are you okay!?" Faint words sounds so far.. yet so close. This voice.. sounds.. familiar..

"Naomi, cmon, wake up!"
He yelled. Uh.. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. Oh.. where.. where are we!?

No point thinking. I asked him where we were and he said that we're at the Nurse's.

"Naomi, are you.. alright? Did you fell sick? If you are, I don't mind waiting!" He said. His offer was kind enough bringing me to the nurses's office and.. why did I.. gone unconscious?

"Nono.. I'm fine now. Thanks." I smiled.

Jack's P.o.v

He seems.. so cute when se sleeps.. he even smiles cutely. How am I.. supposed to assasinate this cute creature..?

I slowly helped him up and thanked the nurse then head to class.

Infront of Class 1 - C

"Hey, I forgot to ask you, which class are you in..?" Naomi asked.

"Oh, same class as you. " I smiled. Should I tell him or not.. nevermind.

Author's Note: Heyy! That was the first chapter of my story!
Oh my, I feel so nervous typing this down.
Yes, amateur feeling, you guys felt it before!

Anyways, thanks for reading!
Do vote for it and share amongst your friends, aye!

Updates: The second chapter will be published by the end of Next Two Weeks.

P/s: I must apologize for publishing this late.
Was busy earlier so, had to move up the scedule.
Do forgive my tardiness..

Hope you guys have a great day tomorrow! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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