Love Story

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>^.^< represents a time skip.

Bolded and Italicized text are song lyrics

Italicized text is present day

Love Story Songfic AU

I watched as Phil, my gorgeous husband, hung a photo of our little family above the fireplace. He smiled, presumably pondering our story. He closed his eyes as he remembered the night five years ago when we met.

We were both young when I first saw you, I close my eyes and the flashbacks starts I'm standing there, on a balcony in summer air...

I was standing on the balcony of my parent's large house, watching the people come to the party they were holding. They said it was 'just for fun' but I suspected that they were hoping I would find a nice, cute girl that I would settle down and have their grandchildren with. They just wanted their only son to extend the family bloodline. But they only knew that I never really seemed interested in girls. Not the truth. Not that, if I got my way, the bloodline would not extend, save for my cousins.


See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns, see you make your way through the crowd and say hello.

I walked into the yard. Everyone turned and stared at me as I passed them. A girl fluttered her eyelashes at me. I noticed that all of the girls there were wearing very fluffy ball gowns, like out of Cinderella. Eventually the stares dies away and everyone started acting normal again.

I was being talked at by a couple of girls who were becoming kinda annoying. Then I saw him. He had black hair with fringe, pale blue eyes that looked stunning, and was very pale. I excused myself from the still chattering girls and started walking over to the guy.

"Do you need a drink, sir?" He asked as I approached him. Then I realised that he was carrying a drink tray with champagne flasks on it.

"Uh... No." I responded to his question awkwardly, "I was just wondering if I could talk to you. All of the girls are starting to get on my nerves."

"Um... okay sir..."

"Call me Dan! What's your name?"

"O-okay D-dan," He said, obviously out of his comfort zone, "M-my name is Philip..."

"Okay, I am not calling you Philip," I said, earning a small smile from him. "How about just Phil?"

"Okay Dan," He agreed with a small smile.


Our relationship had progressed from there. That night Phil told me that my parents had hired him as a waiter for the party. I convinced them afterwards to hire Phil full time, at my personal beck and call. So Phil stayed. He became my best friend. I told him everything. He even knew my biggest secret, the fact that I was gay. I didn't tell him one thing, though. Ever since the party I had had a huge crush on him.


Little did I know, that you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles

One night I woke up to an incessant clattering on my window. I stayed in bed a while, hoping it would go away so I could sleep.

15 minutes later it still hadn't stopped. I reluctantly untucked myself from my too comfortable feather bed.

As I walked up to my window, the clanging stopped. I sighed, turned around, and went to get back in bed. Then it started again.




Each one three seconds apart.

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