2: Huge Fight

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It was a normal, boring afternoon. You and Niall were at home. He was watching a football match and you were on social media. You become bored from scrolling through your feed and decide to make plans for tonight.
"What shall we do tonight babe?" You ask Niall
"I dunno.... I am terribly bored to do anything..." He says.
"hey what if we go on a double date with Liam and Soph? Like in Funky Buddha?" You say.
"Actually that sounds fun!" He responds.
"I'll go take a shower and then I'll call Liam and Sophia and make plans." You say
"Okay boo"
After you take a shower, you call Liam and Soph, and you arrange the time. Right after that you began to get ready for the night out.

First you wanted to make your hair, but you couldn't find your hair straightener. You were pissed off you couldn't find it, so you just asked Niall, cause the last time you'd seen it,  he was using it to straighten Harry's hair.
"Niall have you seen my hair straightener anywhere?"
"Why should have I seen it?"
"I don't know, maybe because you used it the last time I saw it?" You snap
"Whoa chill out girl"
"No Niall I can't chill out, because I can't find my fucking hair straightener that YOU used the last time I saw it!"
"Maybe it's not my fault you are irresponsible ya know, so stop being a bitch, okay?"
"Did you just call me a bitch?"
"Oh babe I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"Save it Niall"

You were mad that Niall called you irresponsible AND a bitch so you just stormed out of the house and left

Part 2? Comment below!
Fotini xoxo

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