1.6 • Different

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It was school. Boarding school. Same thing, day in, day out. It got boring to be honest. I'm sure I would've gone mentally insane by now if it wasn't for my best friend Ashley. She keeps me sane when I'm on the verge of insanity and I can't thank her enough for that. It doesn't change school though, or the level of boredom it brings. 5 periods a day, one 15 minute break after the first two, and a 45 minute lunch break after the the third. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday.

So yes, I think school is boring. I think it's clear to say that's my opinion of school. But, I have only 1 year left. 1 year to survive and I'm done. Gone. Out of here. That's what I tell myself, 1 year Meghan, only 1 year. But today, I felt, today was going to be different. It was Friday, the regular Friday schedule : registration, Math, English, History, PE then Biology. Biology is the one. I'm not sure why, I don't think I ever will be, but I feel like today, in Biology, it was going to be different. It was going to be amazing.

So, I crawled through the day, only hitting my head off of the desk a few times. Math was horrible, we had a pop quiz. And it sucked. But, after that the day flew by and we all took out seats in Biology. I sat at the back, away from everyone as Ashley wasn't in my class. The only one of my classes she's not in. But, I sat, started doodling in my notebook, anticipation knotting in my chest. I shouldn't get my hopes up on a feeling, but, I have so little to hope for, so, I guess hoping for something every once in a while isn't so bad.
5 minutes pass. Nothing.
10 minutes.
15 minutes. Nothing. Is it not unprofessional to be late to your own class Mr or Mrs Teacher? It was worth the wait though. In walked the single hottest man I had ever seen in my life. He had wild light brown hair and auburn eyes, he wore black jeans a t-shirt and a flannel shirt. Most relaxed teacher ever. His brown hair was tousled from him running his fingers though it, I only know because he's doing it right now, letting out a deep sigh in the process. "Sorry I'm late class. I- er, traffic." He stated simply. Traffic. He gets right to the point, I like that. "My name is Mr Puth-" He wrote that on the whiteboard. "But, please call me Charlie." He crossed a line through 'Mr Puth' and wrote Charlie. "Please call me Charlie." He added as an afterthought. Yes, Charlie, we heard the first time. We started with the work. Finally. And I reached a question I didn't understand.

"Sir-" I started, looking up from my book.

"Charlie." He corrected, a ghost of a smile playing his lips.

"Sorry. Charlie, I don't understand the question." I huffed. He stood up and walked over to my desk, where I sat alone. He leaned down really close to me and I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he whispered :

"What question is it you're stuck on Ms Trainor?" I bit my bottom lip and gulped. He's so hot. How was I meant to resist him for the rest of the year. Tell me, how?

"6." I mutter. He explained the question and then moved back to his seat and I put my head in my hands. Why is my Biology teacher so freakin' sexy? Ugh, only me. Only me.

2 minutes left. 2 minutes to get through and I can go back to my dorm, which I share with Ashley, the best roommate and friend in the world. 1 minute now. But then, just as the bell goes : "Ms Trainor, could you stay after class please?"  I put my head in my hands.

"Yes sir - Charlie." He nodded his head with a smile. All the girls glared at me jealously and this one girl, Abbie, winked at me, she wasn't really a friend per say. An acquaintance. Yeah, that. The bell sounded and people got up with a groan as they stood up, stretching their unused muscles and giggling and laughing with their friends. Not me. Nope, I'm sat here like an idiot dreading what Charlie Puth is going to do to make me want him more... Is that possible? Not sure. All the teenagers filed out of the room one by one, still talking with their friends. Charlie shut the door to the room and I gulped. Oh no.

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