1.5 • 24 Hours

829 31 16


A Sad Story...

A girlfriend gave a challenge to her boyfriend to live a day without her. No communication at all and said if he passed it, she'll love him forever. The boyfriend agreed. He never texted nor called his girlfriend for the whole day without knowing, his girlfriend has only 24 hours left because she was dying from cancer. After a day, he excitedly went to his girlfriend, "I did it baby" but tears fell as he saw his girlfriend lying in a coffin with a note "you did it baby.. now please do it everyday.."

Cancer. They'd told her a month ago now. One month left. She could've told him, Charlie, that she had the fatal disease, but, he would've told her to get treatment. Chemo. She couldn't, not when there was no chance of recovery, she could pretend. She would pretend.

So, she felt it coming before it came. She was weaker than usual, she knew it too. Her limbs ached and her eyes were getting heavier every second that passed. With her breathing raspy and shallow she made some bullshit excuse, "It's just a cold Charlie, I'll be okay. Promise." What lies she'd told.
I'll be okay Charlie.
It's just a cold.
What a broken promise that would be. Charlie would be in more pain, she told herself, he'd be in more pain if he knew the truth. So she pretended, she continued to pretend until she knew she was about to die, until she knew she could fall asleep and let it take her, take her into a far away land, where she could watch over her beloved boyfriend. She could make sure he would be okay.

"Morning." He grinned at her when he realized she was awake.

"Morning." She croaked, her voice hoarse and her throat scratchy.

"You sure you're okay?" He questioned, caressing her cheek with his thumb. Gazing into her enchanting green eyes with his auburn ones he smiled fondly at his girl. His girl. She felt as though he was staring her down, even when he gave her a loving smile, she still felt so guilty.

Why are you making this so hard, Charlie?

She forced a smile back. "Let's play a game." She said eventually, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between the pair.

"What kind of game?" Charlie eyed her suspiciously, an eyebrow raised. She giggled.

"A challenge." She shrugged, trying to act casual. In all honesty, she was having doubts about this whole thing. She could just tell him. Right here, right now. No, she has to do this. The only way, she tells herself. The only way.

"Okay..." He said slowly, obviously still slightly suspicious.

"I know you love me..." He cut her off nodding.

"I do."

"But, how about you prove it?"


"Well, if you love me why not prove it?" She gulped. This whole thing left a feeling of unease in the pit of her stomach. If only there was another way. He sighed.

"Alright." He chuckled lightly, "What do I have to do?"

"You need to live a day without me." She said simply.

"You'll need to elaborate."

"You can't communicate with me at all. No calling. No texting. No social media. Absolutely nothing." She smiled a little, feeling proud of herself that she managed to say it without her voice cracking or her breaking down in floods of tears.

"How does this prove I love you?" He asked with a smirk, trying to mask how proud he was. He thought he'd got her. Nope.

"Because you don't need to be with me to love me." He huffed, knowing that she'd won.

"Okay..." He nodded. "I'll do it."

She grinned, "Alright, it starts now."

"Like right now?"

"Like right now." He pouted and mocked a sad face and this funny gesture just broke her damaged heart in two. He rolled his eyes at her.

"Alright then. I love you, Meghan Trainor." She smiled sadly, her blond hair tousled and in tangles behind her.

"I love you too." She whispered, feigning tears. Her nose hurt and her eyes stung horribly. She had to swallow the lump in her throat because she had to stay strong. She had to stay strong. She had too.  Then just as he was about to close the white-painted oak wood door behind him she whispered. "Charlie?" She wasn't sure he'd heard her but he stopped and turned to face him, a smile painted on his lips. "Bye."

"Why do I feel like this is more than just a game?" He asked her, somewhat solemnly.

"I don't know. Bye Char Char. I love you."

"Bye Megs, I love you too. More than anything." She smiled genuinely back at him. That's all she needed to hear. When the front door closed and the quietness of the electric car engine had totally died down she sobbed. She sobbed for Charlie until she smiled through the tears. She thought about every moment shared between them, every happy one, every sad one. Every memory. Every moment. She smiled and cried until she had no tears left and all she could do was smile and grin like an idiot.

"I love you Charlie Puth. More than anyone or anything I ever have or could love. I love you Charlie Puth." Then she let herself fall into the somewhat comfortable arms of sleep which enveloped her and pulled her down. Further and further away from the surface. Further and further away from life. Painless. Totally and utterly painless. She closed her eyes and opened them in a field. Emerald green grass, blueberry sky, and a golden sun sending warmth spreading through her cold body.

I guess this is what heaven looks like.

He didn't know what happened, Charlie. He didn't understand that an hour after he left Meghan a sharp pain shot up from his heart. Arising from nowhere, accompanying the dull ache that had been settled there for weeks. Every hour that passed, every minute, every second he thought of her. Her smile. Her eyes. her laugh. Then, as 24 hours slowly trickled by, he wrote a song.

I'm only one call away

Then, it surprised him. It crept up so quickly that he didn't expect it until it came and when it did he was over at their house in an instant. He ran excitedly through the door to the bedroom that he'd used just 24 hours before. He shouted out, "I DID IT BABY!" He was oh so proud he was. On their bed she was lay, looking so peaceful, so finally at rest. And she was. A ghost of a smile played upon her lips despite the fact that she wasn't breathing and her heart wasn't consistently pounding against her rib cage. Their wasn't a sense of death in the air, it wasn't how you'd picture it. It was somehow relaxing. Until he saw the note left on the nightstand. 

"You did it baby.. Now please do it everyday.."

Then he realized. And his knees fell from beneath him and tears fell from his auburn eyes as he collapsed, mentally and physically. With his vision blurred he stoked his thumb across his cheek.

"I love you, Meghan Trainor. You gave me 24 hours to prove that to you. I love you so fucking much. Goodbye."

A/N: OMG so sad. I cried while writing this, if you haven't seen it, the Sad Story at the top is a popular Instagram post that I remembered the other day I wanted to write about. Tell me what you think and if you cried.

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