Japan x Child!Reader

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Requested by a friend of mine.
(Y/N) = Your Name
You were playing outside when you looked at the forest you and your big brother Kiku lived by. He always told you to never go into the forest by yourself, but, it couldn't hurt just to look...right? You got up and walked towards the forest.
"It's okay (Y/N), we're just going to have a look and then come back." you said to yourself.
As you were saying that to yourself, you saw the forest, and instantly curiosity got the better of you, making forget what you brother had said.
"Hm, maybe just a closer look." you mentally told yourself.
Once telling yourself that, you went inside the forest completely losing track of the time. Reality hits you when you realize that it was getting darker, you started panicking when you realized, you were lost.
~Japan's POV~
"Hm,that's strange." Kiku said to himself when he called for you but you didn't answer.
After he realized it getting darker he started panicking.
"Where is she?It's getting darker and I have to find her soon." Kiku said worried.
It dawned upon him when he realized that the only place he didn't check, was the forest.
~Your POV~
You gave up on finding a way out, so you followed a direction Kiku told you when you were lost, stay where you are. You laid down on the grass and started crying.
"Why did I do this?" you cried to yourself.
You were devastated, and was about to cry yourself to sleep when you heard someone calling your name.
"(Y/N)!" the voice called.
After listening to the voice you realized, it was Kiku! He had come to get you!
"Kiku! I'm here!" you called.
"(Y/N)!" called Kiku.
When you saw him you ran to him as fast as you could.
"I'm sorry Kiku, I won't do it again, I promise." you said crying into Kiku shoulder.
"I know you won't, but please, don't scare me like that again." Kiku pleaded.
You nodded and got, taking a hold of Kiku's hand.
"You know you're still grounded." said Kiku.
You groaned, but in truth you were just glad you didn't have to leave him.
I hope you enjoyed it! This is my first fan fiction, so I hope you don't think it sucks.
Please request more stories for me to make!
Next, Child!2p!Japan x Reader.

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