23 - Swallow the Pill

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Six weeks later...

THIS WAS IT. It wouldn't be long before the jury returned with a verdict that would determine Ralph's fate. A part of Imani was relieved that this day was finally here. She as well as everyone else involved had no choice but to let God take over and hope that they had done everything they could have done, and said everything they had wanted to say.

"How you holding up?" Ralph asked as he rested his hand on Imani's knee. Even though they had mutually agreed to break up after that argument at Greg's party, he was still her friend and she had still kept him company through it all. No matter what she had come into that relationship for, she had gotten to know a softer side of Ralph that he refused to show even the closest in his crew. She understood and appreciated that side, and had a strong feeling she was going to miss it.

"Don't worry about me," Imani said dryly amid chatter. "I'll be fine." The guys were talking as if nothing was wrong. That was the way Ralph wanted it. He wanted casual conversation about meaningless things because he didn't want the pressures of his case to burden everyone else. So they sat up in Denny's on a chilly February morning, hardly able to eat, but put forced smiles on their faces and threw around lackluster jokes in an effort to ease the mood.

"So, you really don't remember a thing?" Red threw an inquisitive look to Jacoury from across the table. With a newly shaven head due to the gash near his nape that had needed to be stitched up, he now looked presentable, which made Latrice very happy. For the last few months, she had been reinventing herself, and wanted her man to still be a rough neck, but able to clean up the way that Ralph could. She had even gotten him to do away with his most prized Yankees cap. She had found her womanly touch.

"Man, all I remember is waking up on the concrete, shivering my ass off wondering who the hell knocked me out. You know the first thing I did was check my pockets." The crew laughed lightly. It was surprising that anyone would have wanted to hurt Jacoury. None of their enemies attended Melrose High and Imani had not noticed anyone unfamiliar infiltrating the party. Greg was always cautious about who he let into his parents' house. Any football scholarships he would obtain required him to be on his absolute best behavior and that meant keeping a sizable distance from the Thug-a-Boos in public, but even he had shown up for Ralph on this day.

"Had Imani been drinking like the rest of us, you would have taken that dirt nap," said Greg. Laughs followed.

"But I would have gone out like a G, partying my ass off and that's all that matters."

"But I'm glad you made it through," said Latrice. She had been a loyal girlfriend, staying with him in the hospital and nursing him back to health afterward. They were a good fit for each other. Imani was happy for them, but, even more, satisfied with herself for doing something she hadn't been able to do from the moment she had first gotten to high school--be single and love it. It felt fantastic not having someone to report to like a boss. It had taken something tragic like this to make her realize how freeing it could be.

Just when they had begun to settle their nerves, Mr. Murray informed them by phone that a verdict had been reached. Anxiousness settled deep within Imani as they rode back to the courthouse. Each of them exchanged looks with each other as Ralph led the pack with his head held high, unwavering as his fate grew near. Mr. and Ms. Carter were already seated and in separate rows, just as they had been throughout the trial. They looked around helplessly, as they knew there was nothing they could do but pray for a small miracle. The cold air conditioning of the courtroom began to feel like second nature to Imani. Within moments, she would know whether it would be her last time there, or if a further court date would be needed for Ralph's sentencing.

"Will the jury foreperson please stand?" said the judge. An elderly man from the jury stood at her request. "Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?" The clerk retrieved the verdict form from the foreperson and handed it to the judge. The judge looked over the note with an unreadable expression before handing it back to the clerk. The clerk brought the note back to the foreperson to deliver the verdict.

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