Kai X Sister Reader part 2

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Your P. O. V
I try to avoid Kai. You know about what happened last time me and Kai were alone. Now I hang with the others more than kai. To be honest Im a little scared of him. But you kinda liked it. I'm day kai got drunk. And a little more shall I say frisky.

So he came home from a party with Lloyd and Cole. All drunk. You sighed. Kai took your hand and went toward his room. He closed the door. He came up to you a kissed you. You still flinched. But kissed back. His rule. He'll just kiss harder.

You took off his shirt. And wrapped his arms around your waist and pulls you closer as you snake your arms around his neck. He smirks and you smile. He leans against the wall for balance. Just as that happened Cole and Lloyd opened the door and gasped.

"KAI WHAT IS GOING ON"Cole yelled which caused attention from sensei who came in.
"Kai what is the meaning of this"Sensei asked trying hot to spaz out
"I ummmmm we ahhhhh"Kai stampers
"I love my brother and my brother loves me"You said sure and proud of what just came out your mouth
"Well this can't happen I forbid it if I see u to together u kai are never to be on this team again"Sensei yelled

The others walked away. Sensei took you with him. What are we gonna to do.

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