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Your P. O. V
Okay I know most of my storyz have sex or something in them. But this chapter not really OK. On with the Story.

You run into the bathroom In your room. You just got back from school. There is this really mean girl at school who actually likes-no loves teasing you. You lift up your towel to find a knife. I lift up your arm sleeves. You can't use your arm. Yes that's how many cuts there are. You turn to your next arm same thing. So you sit down and pulled up you pant leg.

No cuts on these. So you took the knife and cut your leg just kept on cutting. Till you hear someone walk in. Neuro. He looks at you in disbelief. He touches your cuts. He wince at the pain. "Why did u do this"He asked. When didn't get a response he asked."Y/N WHY DO U DO THIS"He yelled. "Cause of my life i want it to all go away"You confessed pulling the knife up to your heart. About to make it all end about to get rid of everything about to kill yourself, something stops you.

Neuro leaned up and kissed you. You slowly pulled the knife away from your chest. You drop the knife and neuro pulls you up the way your standing. He looks you in the eye and says"hush little baby don't you cry don't cut you arms don't say goodbye drop that razor, drop that light it may be hard but you'll win this fight". He rocked you while he sung to you. U fell asleep and he layied you down. Now you have some hope,and someone to love. And best if ALL someone who loves you.

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