Bachelor Bake-off!

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Rod sighed and looked at his weary companion. "Look, I get that you're kinda freaked out by the dream, but there's no need to take it out on the world. If you keep scowling like that, we're never going to get any customers. Heck, Rio might not even come over when she sees that face."

Neil's directed his scowl at Rod. "Good. It's for the best if I don't see her today. All I can think about is her... in a...ugh! I can't even say it, it's too embarrassing." The dream hadn't freaked him out so much as the happiness he felt at the potential of it coming true. He was beginning to think that he really did feel something beyond mild amusement toward the farmer.

Rod smiled knowingly, having been let in on the situation earlier. "In a wedding dress, you mean." He laughed as Neil slouched even lower on his stool, obviously very uncomfortable with the prospect of his crush in wedding attire. He wondered out loud, "Why does it even bother you so much anyways? I mean if you like her, what's wrong with thinking about getting married?"

Neil sighed, irritated at having to explain himself. "Because, Rod. I'm not even sure how I feel about her. I've never thought about lo-" he coughed, embarrassed about what he almost said, "Er, liking someone. How am I supposed to know if that's the way I feel? There really should be a handbook for this sort of thing." He slowly lowered his head to the counter, hoping Rod would just drop the conversation.

His hopes were dashed when Rod responded. "Well, I guess you just kinda feel warm when they're around. Like you just drank hot chocolate on a cold day." Neil glanced over with a perplexed look on his face. Rod continued, "Or...oh, I know! You can tell you like someone when you hang out with them, but it never feels like enough time."

Neil grimaced at the explanation. "I don't know Rod, I like being alone." But he was starting to like being with Rio, too.

Rod rolled his eyes. "Well just think about how you feel next time she leaves, okay? You're not exactly known for being in tune with your emotions, so maybe you just weren't paying attention."

Neil groaned. "Can we just drop this topic for now? I don't want to think about her at the moment."

Right at that moment, the woman in question walked up to the two men and smiled. "Who don't you wanna think about at the moment?"

Rod, being the profound actor he is, froze in his spot with wide eyes. Neil shook his head at him and looked at Rio while playing it cool. "Tina. Rod's been talking about her nonstop, and it's starting to get irritating."

Rio, being oblivious to Rod's peculiar behavior, nodded knowingly. "I totally get it. Tina's been talking about him too. Like, constantly." She suddenly narrowed her eyes at Neil. "Whoa, what happened to you? You look like you haven't slept in a week!"

Neil rested his chin on his hand and decided to keep his answer short. "Didn't sleep well."

She tilted her head to the side, becoming concerned. "Bad dreams or something?"

Neil snorted. "I guess you could say that. Anyways, what do you need Rio?"

She perked up, suddenly remembering why she was here in the first place. "Oh, right! Well, I was actually here to see Rod." She turned away from Neil to get the pet seller's attention. "I think you were right, Rod, I need a dog. So I was wondering what kinds you had available?" She was starting to work later in the evening and didn't feel comfortable roaming around in the dark on her own.

Rod, finally regaining his composure, grinned at his customer. "Of course! I have a few different breeds if you'd like to take a look." Rio nodded, and he motioned for her to join him behind the counter. "I have three of these little guys available for purchase today. Which one would you like?"

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