~Chapter Eighteen~

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Chapter Eighteen

"Scarlett, so nice to see you." Erebus glided down the hall, getting closer to where I stood.

With my hands balled into fists, I was able to spit out a response, "Wish I could say the same about you."

Erebus chuckled darkly, "Is that any way to talk to your creator?" He rushed forward to tower over me. He gave a sick smile as he placed his hand on my cheek, "You know, Scarlett," he leaned in close to my ear, "You're my favorite creation." Pulling back with a smirk, he ran his hand down my face, "And I have missed you."

I slapped his hand away, "You destroyed my life."

Erebus took a step back, "I made you great."

My nails were digging into my palms and my body was tense, "You made me a monster!" I got into a fighting stance, "And I will not let you do the same to them." I swung my arm up and straight into Erebus's face. Unfortunately for me, he was able to block my punch and then throw one of his own. I barely made it out of the way before he made contact. Sliding back a few steps, I readied myself for another punch. He grabbed my swinging hand and I used that to my advantage by swinging my leg up and connecting it with his head. He released my arm and flew back into the wall with a large crack. I landed on my feet and took long steps closer to him. Once I was in front of him, I lifted my boot and brought it down hard and fast. Erebus caught hold of my foot before it hit his face and used his strength to swing me back into the opposite wall. I landed with a crash and soon he was on me. Bringing his fist down, he knocked my head back into the wall. I let out a groan of pain and was lifted off the ground with Erebus's hand wrapped around my throat.

He lifted me high into the air, "I have tried many times to make a combination as strong as yours, but they've all failed me." He shook me once, "Now stop this foolishness and come back to me. You know that's what you want." He smirked and shook me again. He thought he had me, but he was wrong. I kicked his chest, causing him to drop me back to the ground. Using that momentum I slammed him down to the floor.

As he lay on the ground I hovered over him, my boot on his neck, "I will never be like you. I would rather die."

He chuckled, "Then you shall." He swiped my leg out from under me. As I hit the ground I could hear him getting up and I knew that I didn't have time to lay here. I jumped up right after him and threw him into the wall. He was mostly unfazed as he hit me with a quick punch. I needed to end this right now. The girls couldn't hang on much longer. Hearing Maggie when I first got here told me that they were not being properly nourished, which means he was trying to make hybrids out of them and they refused. I kicked Erebus down and grabbed the long knife that he kept in his belt. Holding it over his heart, I was able to stop him from trying anything.

"Give me the key."

He shook his head, "This will not end so easily, Scarlett. You and I will always be connected. I will always be the one who gave you life." I saw the glimmer of a silver chain around his neck and I grabbed hold of it.

I snarled at him, "My mother is the one who gave me life. You're the one who took it away." I pulled the chain and gripped the key that had been hanging from it. "I should kill you right now, you know."

He smirked, "But you won't because you know we're meant to be together." I pulled the knife up, but Erebus was quicker and he grabbed my wrist and twisted the knife away. He pushed me back and advanced on me. I noticed the crack in the wall where he had landed earlier and hoped that this would work. As he ran at me, I got ready. Once he was right in front of me I grabbed both his arms and pushed him back into the fractured part of the wall. He broke through the wall and went flying back into another hallway. I used the small amount of time that I had to rush over to the cages. I unlocked Bea's door first because she looked the strongest. Then I freed Leslie and last was Maggie. Bea and Leslie leaned on each other for support and I picked Maggie up. She could barely walk.

I turned to the other two, "We have to get out of here. Follow me." We ran as fast as we possibly could back through the tunnels and up the stairs. I pushed the door open and ran into the forest with Maggie in my arms and Bea and Leslie trailing behind me. I could hear Erebus chuckling from the halls which only pushed me to go faster. Once I felt like we were a safe distance from Erebus, I stopped to let the girls rest. I put Maggie down on a fallen log, "Are you guys okay?" Bea nodded. "You didn't drink any of the blood he gave you, did you?"

Leslie shook her head, "No. We haven't had anything in days." I looked down at Maggie whose eyes were sunken in.

I grabbed my flask from my pocket and held it out to her, "Split it between the three of you and then we'll get going." They each took a gulp and then were back on their feet. I let Maggie lean on me as the four of us took off towards the house. We made it there fairly quickly and were greeted by Amelia and Kate.

Amelia jumped at Bea, "I'm so glad you guys are okay! I'm so sorry." Bea patted her back and whispered that it was okay. Kate helped Leslie into the house and I supported Maggie all the way to the living room. After laying her down on the couch, I told Amelia to get them drinks and then motioned for Kate to follow me.

I stepped into the hallway, "It's Erebus. He was keeping them in underground tunnels maybe fifty miles from here. I don't think he knows where we are. He probably stumbled upon the girls will they were meeting the supplier and grabbed them. I still want to put protection spell around the house." Kate nodded and I continued, "I need your help with that. Once those are up, no one leaves. I need to check on Sam and Dean, but then I'll be back."

She looked up at me, "What are you going to do?"

I pushed my shoulders back, "I'm going to kill Erebus."


So this chapter is short, but I had to get something out. Thanks so much for the comments and the votes and for sticking with me because I know that I am really unreliable and I apologize for that. Hope you like this one. Thanks again for reading.

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