Part 4

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Over the next few weeks Y/N and the twins seemed to be together every chance they got. If the twins weren't training or sleeping it could be assumed that they were in Y/N's Lab. They were in there so often in fact that Y/N asked her father if she could add 2 chairs to her corner set up and that is where they sat now, each of them in a vintage chair talking to each other.

"So he is showing off this very beautiful, and very cold looking, dress,that he stole mind you, to this girl that he had been flirting with for I do not know how long and I come walking past them..."

"And you embarrass me to the point where I must risk my life saving her brother to redeem myself. You know sister it is not so funny in retrospect."

"I don't know Piete I think it's funny but also very sweet that you felt the need to redeem yourself in such a noble way. Besides you didn't die so we can totally laugh at your sister embarrassing you like that."

"Doyou know what Y/N? I do not enjoy you laughing at my pain. It hurts me deeply."

"Well I am sorry for hurting you so deeply but do I need to remind you who brought you back from the brink of death?"

"Noyou do not. Wanda reminds me every day."

Wanda suddenly became very serious.

"Yes I do. I remind him that Stark is not a bad name. Even though one almost kill us another saved our lives."

The room was quiet for a moment none of them sure what to say each of them scared to break the silence that was surrounding them. Wanda was the first to speak.

"Why does your father call you 'Light'?"

This wasn't the first time Y/N had been asked that question, all the avengers had asked at one point or another and the story got easier to tell, quick and painless, almost an automatic and robotic response at this point.

"Well dad says that from the moment I was born there was a glowing light in his life that hadn't been there before. Even after my mother killed herself I continued to bring a light into his life even when everything seemed too dark to be real."

"We are so sorry about your mother." Pietro said after Y/N had finished her well rehearsed lines.

"Yeah me too. I'm sorry about your parents I mean I got to keep one of mine and you guys lost both because of something my dad made. I'm sorry about that."

"It is not your fault I assure you." Wanda spoke softly as the room got quiet again.

Y/N slid out of her chair and onto the floor. "What was it like having both parents as a child? I know you only had them for 10 years but for that time, you have memories of them, of being with them, what was it like? What was it like having a mother?"

Wanda stood from her chair and sat down next to her friend. "It was wonderful and I miss it everyday. My mother was my best friend from the time I got home from school until I went to bed I would spend every moment with her. She used to braid my hair every night before bed. We did not have much growing up but I know that our parents loved us dearly and I am grateful to have the memories of them that I do because it could be much worse. I could have no memories at all or worse yet I could have all bad memories with them." Wanda looked up to Pietro. "Do you have anything to say brother? Anything you would like to add about two parents?" Pietro smiled slightly and stood and sat on Y/N's other side warping an arm around her shoulders.

"I do not have anything to add but if it makes you feel better having two parents wasn't all fun and games it also meant getting in trouble not once but twice. Once by Mamma and again by Papa. Though I was theonly one of us who got into trouble."

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