Part 10

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I am so sick that it's not even funny 😢 I think I have the flu but I wanted to finish this so I could focus on getting better. Anyway....Part 10
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It was officially Christmas Eve but no one had been in much of a partymood since the break in. Especially Y/N. She had gone into her lab the morning after to thoroughly assess the damage. Papers were missing, someone had taken a knife to her lovely pink chair and, most importantly, all of her backup flash drives were gone.

    After that she had gone into her room and no one had seen her since. Pietro, Tony, and Wanda had been leaving meals outside her door and the only sign that she was still alive were the empty plates they would find outside her door.

    Tony had canceled the party, said Cap had the flu, was very contagious. Everyone knew it was a lie but respected their wishes just the same, finding somewhere else to spend their Christmas Eve. No one had even expected Y/N to come out of her room but there she was, the morning of Christmas Eve, standing in the kitchen making herself a warm beverage and some toast. Pietro had been the one to find her there and was shocked, but delighted to see her.

    "I see the beauty has left her cave."

    "Good Morning Pietro. How are you?"

    Pietro sat at the breakfast bar across for her.

    "I am wonderful. The question is, how are you?"

    "I am perfect. Thank you for asking Piet. I have mourned enough. Starting the day after tomorrow I am going to start cleaning up the lab and get my systems up and running again. You still need shoes you don't run through." She leaned across the counter and touched her finger lightly to Pietro's nose. He soon was smiling at her sudden change of behavior.

    Moments later Tony was down, stopping in his tracks when he saw his daughter biting into a piece of toast and talking with the Maximoff boy.

    "I see you are taking your meals in the kitchen again. How are you my Light?"

    "Good morning Dad, I am great. I was just telling Pietro that I need to get back to work. Right after Christmas. Speaking of, we still on for that party tonight? You are going to just love the gift I got you. Do You want a hint? Too bad you have to wait and see!" She spoke quickly, not giving her father a chance to respond.

    "Actually I called off the party. I didn't think you would be in the mood. I mean we can still have a party for just us, Avengers and friends."

    "Perfect! Well I am going to go take a nice long bath and then start getting ready. See you later! Oh and Piet? Could you send Wanda to my room when you see her? I want to get ready together."

    "Of course, anything for you."

    "Thanks Piet!" She bounced over and gave Pietro a kiss on the cheek and then did the same to her father before trotting off to her room.

    "Okay that was very weird."

    "You could say that again kid. I don't know what she is on but that was a quick turn around. I need to get me some."

    "Maybe she is still distraught and this is her way of coping."

    "Probably Speedy. Just keep and eye on her for me will ya? I worry about her and after what happened-" He paused for a second, afraid of the words about to come out of his mouth. "-I just don't want her to end up like her mother."

    "Of Course Stark. I will watch out for her."

    "Thanks kid. Anyway I better let everyone know that party is on for tonight. You should wear something nice. Maybe a suit or at least a shirt and tie."

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