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This is a conversation between Phil Lester and yourself, Power went out! Scared of the Dark! Dan Howell .

Phil Lester: Oh hey the powers out *continues to play on phone*

Power went out! Scared of the Dark! Dan Howell : *sitting in my room when the power went out and I quickly grabbed my phone, leaving the room to find you* P-Phil?

Phil Lester: In the lounge!

Power went out! Scared of the Dark! Dan Howell : *walks towards the lounge when I bump into a house plant, screaming* Jesus Christ!

Phil Lester: *peaks out shining the phone's flashlight at you* No his name is Patricia.

Power went out! Scared of the Dark! Dan Howell : S-Shut up... *walks over to you* I hate your stupid plants...

Phil Lester: Aw but they give us oxygen that we need, with out them we'd be getting high off of each other's used air. *grabs your arm* Are you alright though?

Power went out! Scared of the Dark! Dan Howell : Y-Yeah... I'm fine... *bites my lip and looks around*

Phil Lester: *shines the light around* Nothings going to get you- Wait... *shines the light on a furby in the middle of the floor*

Power went out! Scared of the Dark! Dan Howell : *screams and hugs you* Why is that thing out here!? Put it away!

Phil Lester: I dunno actually, it wasn't there when I walked by earlier. *Shuffles over with you clinging on my arm, kicks it into a corner*

Power went out! Scared of the Dark! Dan Howell : I h-hate everything...*holds your arm a bit tighter*

Phil Lester: Yeah sometimes I hate the feeling of blood circulation in my arm and I wish the light go out so you can stop it.

Power went out! Scared of the Dark! Dan Howell : *quickly lets go and looks down, biting my lip* I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to...

Phil Lester: *laughs and holds your hand* It's fine I was just joking. Did you have anything you needed to do before the lights went out?

Power went out! Scared of the Dark! Dan Howell : No, I was just thinking, like always... I don't think there's actually anything I have to do.... Why are you asking?

Phil Lester: Dunno, just curious. *points the flashlight around* You should probably just go to sleep then, I don't think the power is going to come on anytime soon.

Power went out! Scared of the Dark! Dan Howell : *plays with your fingers* I-I would but, you see... I-I can't sleep without some type of light...I know, I'm not 5 but...when the power went out when I was little I used to go lay down with my mom, it made me feel safe having someone next to me...and since I don't have a light and I don't live with my parents anymore I can't sleep...

Phil Lester: Oh right, so that's the issue. *shrugs* Do you want me to lay by you until you sleep? I don't mind it if you don't either.

Power went out! Scared of the Dark! Dan Howell : Y-You'd do that? You really don't have to, I can stay awake till the power comes back on...but I wouldn't mind..

Phil Lester: Dan I'd do anything if you just asked. *points the flashlight in the corner* Where did the furby go? Does the lock in your room still work?

Power went out! Scared of the Dark! Dan Howell : *whimpers softly* Y-Yeah, it works..

Phil Lester: Okay... We gotta get there because I'm creeped out. *start pulling you toward your room*

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