Chapter 2

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Mark and I have to separate as he is in the high school  and I am in the 3rd year of psychology in the university.

I am quite amazed when I came to know that the school is separate: there is a high school and a elementary school and there is an university near and all this all in one.

Luckily I was not alone, even Clara Is in the same class.

"Crystal, you carry on I have to meet immediately  Miss Levis"

" ah ...Miss Levis ah..that s our psychology teacher"

"How do you know that?"

"You told me once"

"Ah..right . I forgot, anyway,  the class is in the end of the corridor"

"Ok, see you later "

Everything was very new and strange to me and eveyone was looking at me quite interested maybe I was looking to beautiful  but that's not my fault  actually the uniform is quite attractive, it s a red checked short skirt with white shirt and a red blazer, so the credit goes to that otherwise I am not that beautiful: I am quite tall, I have black hair with redish highlights and they are quite long and I have black eyes...I know there are very few black eyes but mine are, even in the sunlight they dont become lighter... ;

everyone love my eyes even Tom used to love them, oh I forgot him...he was  a class fellow and the last day of school he proposed me and I asked him for some time to think about that but we moved from there and here we are and I didn't had the time to call him during the summer actually I  was too shy...but the fault is not only mine..even he didn't called me...anyway... coming back here I was quite thrilled by the school it was amazing...oh what s  happening there ...oh there are 3 girls and 1 boy...and they are laughing at one girl with red hair..oh she s quite scared...
Seem that they are the famous gang: one girl is very tall and bossy and there is a blonde one and another have very short hair and the boy is looking like he s very intelligent.

"I really need to help the poor girl"

"Hey you all what are doing?"

" oh..well well we have  another new girl" told me  the tall girl

" oh really.  What you want? "

" oh someone is hot here" told me the boy

I was just going to slap him but the gang just go without saying anything and right behind me was another gang: omg not again
But there was 3 boys and 1 girl

"You should thank us" told me one boy

"Why?" I said

" seem that you are new"

"Yes I am"

"Oh..then you ll know us soon"

And they went

"Well thank you " said the girl with red hair

" oh please don t embarrasse me  i didn t do nothing I was just trying to help you, well I am Crystal and you?"

" beautiful name and I am Lavanda"

" nice to meet"

" same here but I have to go, will catch you later"

"Oh no even i have to go  in my class"


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