Chapter 3

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I entered in my class and end everyone was looking at me like I was an alien who has just landed from Mars.

" you are late miss.."

" Crystal, sorry sir  I just lost in the school "

" oh,I see. So you are the new girl"


" so,  introduce yourself to your class and then sit down "

So I introduced myself and i don t know where to sit down..oh there is Clara.

" what happened Crystal why you are late? I was worried"

" I ll tell you later"

Everyone was looking at me actually they start talking with lots of questions:

"What was your last school?" asked me the boy with blond hair

"Oh she s has beautiful hair" said a girl with hazel eyes.

" I totally agree Sandra" said a boy which I could not see who was but the voice was so familiar.

I couldn't say nothing there was lots of questions.

" quite guys you all have the break to chat with your new friend" said the teacher.

I start the lessons with Law studies and I must say that Mr. Silver, our teacher is a  quite calm person and sweet, he talks to me with  a very gentle voice and the period just flew away with his melodious voice and I was feeling sleepy but I dropped the idea and  start analyzing my class: there are 20 or 25 students and there are more girls than boys ..they are only 10 boys; oh my God I can t believe there are also the girls gang with that intelligent boy and they are looking at me... 

3 hours just flew and finally it s break time.

"Hi Crystal..that's your name, right?

"Hmm..ya..omg you..."

" ya" He said

"I mean why are you talking to me"

"My choice"

"Hmm...where s your stupid gang"


"What's so funny?"

"There's nothing funny ..but at least thank me"

"For what?"

"before I said that you have beautiful hair..actually I agreed with Sandra"

"Oh..that was you...that's the reason why your voice was so familiar"

"Oh..ya by the way my name is Giova"

"Hmm ok"

"I have to go now"

"Ok ..bye at least thank me"

"I ll think about that "

"Hmm..everyone just want to thank reminds me of someone"

" hey hi Crystal"


" ah thank you for the compliment"

"Please don't thank"

" and you have beautiful eyes...I always wanted to have hazel eyes.

" thank you...u are really sweet"

" haha. ..don't embarrasse me...I forgot your name"


"Ya..Right..tell me one thing, why that gang always pull the leg of someone?"

"Hmm...who are you talking about?"

" are talking about Lucy, Jessy and Miky"

"Seems that they do that with you too"

" ya...they are very irritating"

"Actually they like to be in the centre of attention and another reason is because Lucy, the tall girl is the daughter of the principal "

"Oh..I see"

"Ok Sandra, I'll catch you later"


"Where is Clara?..oh there she is"
"Hey clara, where you disappear ..I was looking for you"

"I was in the bar downstairs, I saw you busy talking, so I come alone"


" hey Crystal, all well?"

" oh it s you Lavanda, all well and you?"

" ya fine"

" hey Crystal how do you know her" asked me Clara

I was just going to tell her that the boys gang come.
I don t know why everyone was looking at them specially girls even Clara was looking quite excited.

Meanwhile I started analyzing them: there' s a girl with black and purple hair, she's very attractive and from the face expression I can tell that she's upset and a very reserved person; then there's a boy with blond hair and a pair sunglasses, he looks quite a nerd type, then there's another boy with blond hair and green eyes, he is quite tall and mysterious and finally there's the "thank you boy" , he has jet  black hair and very dark chocolate eyes, he's tall and have a perfect toned body.
I have to admit that they are all very attractive and mysterious.

Anyway the gang passed just in front of me but suddenly the  "thank u " boy just stopped and said to me

" you again"

" so..."  I said

" you should thank me, shouldn't you?" He winked while saying that and then he just go...
Clara was shocked " I can t believe this, do u even know ..."

She  doesn't even finish until i said " ya ya I don t know him properly but then I briefly said what happened this morning".

" oh..I see you are so lucky, do you know that they are the "fab 4" band they are really famous in our school and even the gang that you met are afraid of them actually not afraid but Lucy, the principal's daughter want to be Ryan's girlfriend but he doesn't even looks her. But I am really shocked by the fact that Rick talked to you as he never talks specially to girls.

" hmmm so his name is Rick but who is Ryan?"

"He is the boy with blond hair and those breathtaking green eyes" said Clara

" they are really charming" said Lavanda

" Clara is right, Crystal, actually when the tall girl was pulling your leg the "fab4" band just come and Rick just did a sign with his finger to go to the girls"

" I see, that s why he is saying to thank him because the girl s gang just got scared. Maybe I should really thank him"

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