Chapter 6 - Meeting Caspian

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The Narnians surrounded Caspian, making the scene almost claustrophobic. This was made worse with them chanting and screaming at Caspian one by one.
"All this horn proves is that they have stolen yet another thing from us!" Nikabrik started.
"I didn't steal anything!" Caspian rebutted.
"Didn't steal anything? Shall we list the things the Telmarines have taken?" A minotaur said in a gruff tone.

"Our homes!" Someone shouted.
"Our freedom!" A faun screamed.
"Our lives!" They chanted. They all sounded crushed, with despair and anger lingering in their voices.
"You would hold me accountable for all the crimes of my people?" Caspian questioned.
"Accountable... and punishable." Nikabrik spat at him.
"That's words from you, dwarf. Or have you forgotten it was your people who fought alongside the White Witch?" asked Trufflehunter. It was true. The dwarfs had been evil and cunning during the White Witch's reign, serving their queen with all their hearts and souls.
"And I'd gladly do it again if it would rid us of these barbarians!" declared Nikabrik.
"Then we are lucky it is not in your power to bring her back. Or do you want us to ask this boy to go against Aslan?" replied Trufflehunter. The crowd hushed and gasped amongst themselves.

Then, the heat started all over again. Narnians began to shout at Caspian, blaming him for all that had happened to them since the Telmarines invaded.
Trufflehunted stepped forward and held his hand up to signal silence. "Some of you may have forgotten, but we badgers remember well, that Narnia was never right except when a son of Adam was King" he said, obviously referring to Caspian.
"He's a Telmarine! Why would we want him as our king?" questioned Nikabrik. The Narnians shouted in agreement.

"Because I can help you," explained Caspian, "beyond these woods, I am a Prince. The Telmarine throne is rightfully mine. Help me claim it, and I can bring peace between us" There was a long pause. The Narnians didn't seem very convinced by this boy, this intruder.
"It is true, the time is ripe" said Glenstorm, who was known for his ability to read the stars.
A rustle could be heard and a small squirrel emerged from the trees. "Is it possible? Do you really think there could be peace? Do you? I mean, really?" It asked as it scurried back and forth on the branch he was on, his voice filled with nervousness.

"Two days ago, I didn't believe in the existence of talking animals, or dwarfs, or centaurs. Yet here you are... in strength and in numbers we Telmarines could have never imagined" Caspian paused, looking around at all the Narnians. "Whether this horn is magic or not, it brought us together, and together, we have a chance to take back what is ours"
Glenstorm stepped forward, "if you will lead us, then my sons and I offer you our swords" Then, he raised his sword up high, together with his sons beside him. The Narnians all around followed suit - one by one, they unsheathed and raised their swords.
"And we will offer you our lives, unreservedly" said Reepicheep, bowing.

"Miraz's army will not be far behind, sire" Trufflehunter added.
"If we are to be ready for them, we must hurry to find soldiers and weapons. I am sure they will be here soon" said Caspian, determination spreading on his face.
And so, that was the start of Narnia's change of the fate.


The Pevensies, Amethy and Trumpkin walked on without sound except for the thud thud thud of their feet and the clip clip clip of the weapons hanging at their sides. They trudged till the sun disappeared behind the horizon and the sky started to turn darker by the minute. They had successfully got across the gorge, but they had not come across any sign of the Narnians or Prince Caspian yet.
Trumpkin believed that there would still be a long journey ahead, so after much dispute, they decided on a spot to camp for the night. They collected firewood which was mostly just fallen branches in the woods and set up a fire in the middle of a small clearing. Peter and Trumpkin slept beside each other, Lucy and Susan slept together, leaving Amethy with only one spot to sleep on - between Trumpkin and Edmund. She grumbled as she put down her items on her spot and sank into the soft grass. It wasn't a very pleasant sleeping between two people of the opposite sex, was it?

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