Chapter 2//The Funeral

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Reed POV

   They didn't go all out. I mean, I shouldn't be surprised, we are poor, but you would think we might get a little more respect than this.
The venue for the funeral is a withering church that will probably topple over at any moment, placed next to the graveyard where several chairs are set up by the burial site. For refreshments there are some nasty sandwiches, cold chicken soup, and some cheap cookies.
I remember going to Goldie's grandfather's funeral. They hired some famous singer, and they served the most luscious food I've ever eaten. It was in a beautiful cathedral, complete with red, white, and blue drapes and the flag of the Homeland in every corner. It has 15 red and white stripes and 15 white stars on a blue background in the upper left hand corner to resemble the 15 Provinces. But Sage's is nothing in comparison.
There is a coffin covered in white roses, which confuses me. Why is there a coffin and no body? Probably for show I guess, although there aren't that many people to show to.
   Aalia, Goldie, Finn, Jasper, Armie, mom, me, a few people he served with, and some people that worked in the fields with him are the only people here. Finn, Jasper, and I are in charcoal tuxedos that cost way more than we can afford, but we thought we should be as respectful as possible to Sage.
   Mom, Aalia, and Armie are wearing simple, plain, knee length, black dresses with thin white belts around the middle. Mom has her hair up in a bun that Goldie did, and Aalia is wearing her hair out for once. But Goldie is the one that stands out.
   She is wearing a lacy, raven colored dress with see through netted sleeves. She has on a pearl necklace with small diamonds and gold beads adorning the spaces between each white sphere. She has on some light makeup and her hair is braided into a complicated updo with some slate-gray beads weaved intricately through her golden curls. In other words, she looks good.
   I've always been a little jealous of her wealth. She always wears expensive clothes and walking into her house is like walking into a castle. High ceilings with an antique crystalline chandelier from her mom's shop and two stair cases on each side of the foyer. It's like something out of a movie.
   When you walk into our house, you go straight into a cramped living room. There is no wall between there and the dining room, a miniature table and a few chiseled chairs. Next to that is a humble kitchen that looks a century old.
Then comes two minuscule bedrooms, one for Aalia, Jasper, and I. The other is for mom, and Sage when he'd happen to be home. And then there's a bathroom that also looks like it's 100 years old.
I go up to where the coffin is. I take the white rose from my lapel pin and set it with the others adorning the casket. I want to send a part of me with him even if it's just an empty wooden box going into the ground.
   I look up to see the few people milling around looking at the moving pictures of Sage, trying to swallow down the food, and talking in solemn, grievous tones.
"It must be horrible for the kids."
"Their real dad died the same way."
"I can't imagine losing a second father."
I absolutely loathe pity. I just can't stand people talking or thinking about me like a kicked puppy. It sucks, a lot, but these strangers feeling sorry for me makes it suck way more.
Then I see something out of the ordinary. Finn is in the corner stuffing the cookies into his mouth at an alarming speed. Since the only way to chew them was with his mouth open, crumbs were falling on the floor and you could see the disgusting saliva coated cookie bits in his mouth. I would probably slap someone if they acted like that at a funeral, especially a military one, but Finn is different.
His parents escaped from the Pakistani Territory when the bombings there escalated. That is why his and Armie's skin and hair are so dark. Then, like my dad, his mom was drafted into the military, but within 4 years, she was reported as MIA. The thing is, he still thinks that she is alive and that if he joins the military, he will find her. It's sad, but he still manages to be happy thriving on the hope that she will be in the Baltin when he gets there.
I'm about to say something to him when I see my mom go up to the podium. "Hello ladies and gentlemen, if you could have a seat, the burial will be taking place shortly."
I look over and see the lieutenant that gave us the news talking with Goldie's mother. She is decked out in a black dress covered with a spiraling design embroidered with gray thread. The busyness of the design reminds me of how my stomach felt when the lieutenant came to our house telling us Sage died.
   "Why is that lieutenant here?" I ask Aalia in annoyance.
"Come on Reed, he was probably an important person to Sage," Aalia reprimands. She only sometimes calls him dad, usually he's Sage to her. I mean, don't get me wrong, she loves him, she just doesn't call him dad very often.
We go to the wobbly pews and sit down. It groans under our weight but stays stable. Barely. I hear the truck outside beeping to signal its arrival.
I stand up and find the doors. I push them open with a loud creak and head to the cemetery. I pass headstone after headstone, all of them people who were once living. We are going to bury his coffin next to my biological father's also empty casket.
   We could have put it in a nicer cemetery, one for all the military folks, but we decided we wanted to have the whole family buried in one plot. When I reach the land with the other people behind me, I see that the hole has already been dug. I see other people including my mom and Aalia, Finn and Goldie, Armie, Jasper, and the lieutenant have put their ivory flowers on the pile of roses as well.
   I know it shouldn't, but it irks me that the lieutenant guy did. It should only be my family and friends that have that right, but I realize that sounds very petty.
"Willow," I hear him call my mom over. When she gets there, I see him say something to her, and then he does something that bothers me. He hugs her. But then he does something that sends me over the edge. He kisses her cheek. A boiling rage fills me to the brim and before I can think it over, I'm storming over to them.
   "Get your filthy hands off of her!" He is shocked at first, but respectfully lets go of her. My mom's eyes widen at my words and I'm surprised too, but I already got that out of me, so I don't stop. "Her husband just died and you go and kiss her?" I scream incredulously. "How dare you," I finish.
   Aalia is at my side looking at me with astonishment and rage. "What the hell is your problem?" she whispers. I see everyone looking at me like I murdered someone.
   "Don't you think it's a little bit rude to kiss someone at the funeral of their spouse?" I ask, the flames of my anger slowly dying out.
   "Yes, but I think it's a lot a bit rude to start screaming at a funeral."
   That stupid lieutenant makes his way over to where I am standing. "What the hell do you want?" I spit viciously.
   "I want to apologize. She looked very distraught so I wanted to comfort h-"
   "By kissing her?!"
   "You see, I came from the European Union to here when I was a teenager. We kiss people's cheeks as a greeting or to say we're sorry. I didn't mean for my gesture to upset anyone."
   When I see his expression, full of truth and rawness, I soften. "I'm sorry, I just guess that since you were the one that told me that my dad died, I was sort of looking for a reason to hate you."
"I appreciate your honesty and again, I apologize," he bows his head to me and walks off. I feel like a bastard. He's so graceful and kind, but I guess that's why he makes a good lieutenant. If I were him, I probably would have slapped me.
   "Good bye," I whisper as the empty coffin is lowered into the ground. A part of me feels like I'm being ripped apart like when I first got the news, only this time it feels official. It makes me realize how truly gone he is.
When the pile of flowers is hidden from view, I grab a handful off dirt and throw it into the hole. Aalia, Jasper, and my mom do as well.
   It feels like I'm at my own funeral watching the dirt fall on my body sealing me from the world and for the first time I'm glad my dad is a pile of ashes. It means he can still see and hear and smell everything. It means he isn't sealed off from the world and that he can still sense everything even if nothing can sense him.
   It is nighttime. The funeral is done and I am currently sitting alone in the empty church. There's something about this spooky old church that makes me feel a little bit inspired. The people that are still here are outside. Most everyone including Aalia, Jasper, and mom have gone home. I told them I'd be there in about an hour.
   Suddenly, I hear some clicking footsteps that sound like heels. I turn around and see Goldie, her blonde hair a silvery sheet in the moonlight. "Hey, it looked like you needed some company," she says.
   "Yeah, that would be nice." I notice that she is holding something because of the clinging sound echoing off the cement floors creepily. "What do you have there?"
   "It's called a lantern," she laughs. Her mom owns an antique shop.
   "How does it work?" I ask.
   "Well, you take one of these," she holds up a box that says matches on it, "and strike it on the box like this." She swipes the match quickly on the package it came from making a small flame come from the top.
   "Woah, that's so cool!" I exclaim. She then opens the door on the lantern, and puts the flame to a braided thread connected to a white base of what appears to be wax. That makes the flame transfer to the thread. "What's that?" I question pointing to it.
   She blows out the match making the church fill with the aroma of fire and smoke. "That is a candle." She closes the door on the lantern and the church is filled with the warm flickering light of the candle.
   "Man, I've never heard of these things before."
   "I probably never would have known about it if it weren't for my mom," she replies with a small laugh. I think she senses the awkward lull of the conversation because she says, "So acting, huh?"
   "Yeah," I sigh, ready for the ridicule that came from Finn and Aalia, but nothing comes. Then I remember that she's doing acting too.
   "I hope we are in the same class. I'm not exactly the best at making friends," she says.
   "Really Goldie? You are pretty and talented and funny. You're gonna make tons of friends, just watch. It'll be me who needs the help," I retort.
   "But you are also handsome and talented and funny." I am thankful for the low light because I can feel the burning in my cheeks.
   "Tell me something I don't know," I smirk. She pushes my shoulder playfully and I grin wider. "Come on Goldie Locks," I snicker.
   "You are so full of it," she giggles.
   "Well what do you expect when you look like this?" I kid gesturing to my body.
   I am about to say something when I am cut off by someone clearing their throat behind me. I look and see the one and only Finn. "Ooh,  what's this?"he sneers. I roll my eyes and exhale not bothering to hide my annoyance.
   "I thought you went home," I say exasperatedly.
   "Wow," he clutches his chest in mock hurt. "I feel so unloved." Oh lord, now that he he's started, it will be impossible to stop him. "I never thought anyone could hurt me because I mean, look at these muscles." He rolls up his sleeve and flexes showing off his brawn. He is fit because he works in a mechanical shop fixing hover bikes and cars. The job sucks, but it helps his dad put food on the table.
   "I mean, I am practically invincible," he carries on. "But no matter how buff or strong I am physically," his voice chokes up with fake tears, "I am still weak in my heart. I just want to be accepted by you guys, but you just push me away." He then breaks down into artificial sobs, wailing and screaming like a child. He then stops abruptly and looks at us with a smile. "How did I do, actors?"
   "You don't even have any tears," Goldie points out.
   "Well, I'm sorry I can't fit your standards-" I cut him off before he can go into another phony tantrum.
   "Is there any particular reason why you are here?" I ask.
   "Uhhh. Um, I- I, uh... can't tell you that," he stutters while looking down at his hands looking very uncomfortable.
   Goldie just looks at him with a knowing smile. "I think Finn here was looking for Aalia," she says smugly.
   I mirror her expression. I can't tell because of the dim light and his brown skin, but I'm sure he is blushing. Running a hand through his black hair he says, "Yeah, okay, I was."
Goldie bursts into a fit of giggles. Her high pitched laugh is contagious, so naturally, I chuckle with her. "Oh my god Finn, you have it for her so bad," she says with mirth trying to catch her breath.
"Yeah well I could say the same for you about a different person," Finn counters.
"Who?" I ask.
She doesn't say anything and for the first time, in that old dim church with her face lit by an old lantern, I truly see her face. Her beautiful platinum hair and warm blue eyes that glow in the flickering light. The shimmery silver eyeshadow and dark mascara just enhance her natural beauty.
She is quiet and I don't know what takes over me, but I lean in, cup her face, and kiss her. At first she is surprised, but she warms up to it and gently kisses me back. It is short and sweet and when I pull away, she is smiling. I touch my lips with my hand startled at my actions.
"Yes! Thank god! Took you guys long either nough." Finn shouts in glee.
"What?" I question confused.
"Aalia and I have been trying to get you guys together for years!"
"Seriously?" I ask.
"Yeah, I've kind of had a crush on you for a pretty long time," she says embarrassed.
"Wow, I'm an idiot," I slap my forehead.
"Why? Was that an accident? Can we forget about this if it was because that's really embarrassing. I'm sorry, it's just you kissed me first, and I felt really happy because I mean, how could I not? Reed Tarragon was kissing me!" She carries on.
I cut her off before she can say anything else. "And I was kissing Marigold Violo," I say. This seems to lighten her up.
   "Okay, I'm gonna leave before I throw up in my mouth, so yeah," Finn says making his way towards the wooden double doors.
   "That long?" I ask after Goldie finished her story of her crush on me.
   "Yeah," she says flushed.
   "Well," I start, "I always saw how pretty you were and your amazing personality, but I never really realized I liked you til I kissed you. The thing is, I've kissed tons of girls-"
   "And I, tons of guys," she adds.
   "-but you made me feel something. You made it feel like a field of butterflies were fluttering in my stomach. My heart beat was like a hammer. That doesn't happen with other girls."
   Her cheeks turn a shade pinker. She leans her head on my shoulder making my pulse quicken. Did this ever happen before the kiss? I  place my head on top of hers and we stay like that for awhile until I am dozing off. The cemetery is right by my house so I can walk there easily, but Goldie lives in the richer parts of the province.
   I look over and see that she is fast asleep on my shoulder so I pick her up bridal style and start walking towards my house. When I get there I see that Finn is there talking to Aalia though the window. Goldie has woken up and is looking at me through squinted tired eyes.
"Where are we?" She asks yawning.
"My house," I reply.
"Do you think you can call my dad and tell him that I'm staying with you tonight?" she asks groggily.
   "Oh, I see how it is," I say wriggling my eyebrows suggestively.
   I put her down and she smacks my shoulder lightheartedly. "Oh come on, I've slept over at your house plenty of times," she groans.
   I chuckle and tap in my password for the electronic padlock. It's not anywhere near as secure as the fingerprint tester on Goldie's door, but it's what we can afford.
   I walk in to Finn and Aalia sitting on the couch. I can tell that he is explaining the events from the church. "...and then he leaned in and..." he trails off and I can see the anticipation written on her face.
   "And what?" she asks letting some playful irritation lace her voice.
   "He kissed her!" She gasps excitedly and starts doing a happy dance. They finally notice Goldie and I standing there trying to hold back our giggles.
   "There's the lovebirds!" Finn yells heading up to us.
   I see a blush creep onto Goldie's neck. "Oh my god Finn. You act like its a big deal," she says rolling her eyes.
   "That's because it is!" Aalia squeals.
   "By the way, can I borrow your communicator? I left mine at home," Goldie asks.
   "Of course!" Aalia exclaims. "Why do you need it?"
   "My dad took the hover car, and I am too tired to walk home," she says.
   "Sure," Finn says suspiciously. "Too 'tired,' " he says, voice dripping with sarcasm.
   "You should stay the night too," I suggest to Finn.
   "Already arranged," Aalia states with a smile on her face.

I hope you guys enjoyed the little bit of Roldie <3 btw, I know I switched from general to lieutenant (I changed the first chapter also) That was because my dad told me that a general would only come if he did something extraordinary so yeah. Also, I attached the lyric video of  The Funeral because I thought it would be appropriate. The next chapter is gonna be in my favorite character's point of view, yay! So tune in when I post that.

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