o n e

35 1 2

4 years later

Alexandra’s P.O.V.

"Alex! Hurry Up!"

"I'm going!"

"I'm leaving without you!" Caleb yells up, all the ways from down stairs.

"NO! JUST WAIT A SECOND!" I finish applying the last bit of my black eyeliner.

I turn around from looking in the mirror and walk out of the bathroom, down the hall, and to the left. I open the door that leads to my room and close it behind me. I go to the far right corner and get my neon orange backpack. I slip in my black combat boots and zip them up. They match my black leather jacket. You could say I’m a bad ass, because well, I really am.

"Don't leave me.... please?" Mike's loud voice reaches my ears and I jump because of the naked arms that suddenly snake around my waist.

"Shh... Shut up Michael.... they’re going to hear you," I whisper to him. My brothers aren't supposed to know Mike is here. Specially in my bedroom. They hated him. Well Caleb was okay with him, but Liam and Logan really hated him. Said he was bad influence or something. Yeah right. They said he only used girls for sex, and that's it. And the truth is, he sort of did. But he was my best friend, and he needed to crash somewhere because his parents would hang him by his pinky toe if they found out where he had gone last night. Don't get me wrong, I love the boy to death, but he's kind of a weirdo if you get to really know him. And I would never, I repeat NEVER have sex with him. Alright maybe never was a strong word… I PROBABLY wouldn’t have sex with him. YET.

"So what! Let them hear me! You should tell them our relationship status and-"

"And there is no relationship status. Unless you mean best friend for which that case I will... NOT." I cut him off before he could finish that sentence. "Plus they would kill me if they ever found out that I hung out with you," I say as I stroke his face and kiss his nose.

"Yeah, I guess your right... Well buh-bye sweet cheeks," he said propping himself up from my bed and wrapping his arms around my torso. Then slapping a wet, yucky, sloppy kiss on my left cheek. "Mmm.." He said licking his lips. "Literally. Maybe I could say sweet lips next time-"

"Ha! You wish. Bye Mike. Go out my window and make sure to be quiet so that Liam and Logan don't hear you while I'm gone," I instructed him as if he were a young child while I was grabbing the keys to my house for when I got back from school. My regular routine was Caleb driving me to school and Mike driving me back home. "We don't want a repeat of last time," I added while checking my long, straight brownish hair that came down to my waist, one last time and my electric blue eyes outlined by black mascara, just to check if everything looked fine.

Once I was satisfied I turned around and faced him again. He looks up from a spot he was staring at on my bedroom floor. I held his gaze to make sure that he was paying attention to what I was saying, and once I realized that he had blanked out for the past minute I just sighed. "You never listen."

"Well... You know me... the bad boy,"

"Yeah, buddy, sure," I walked to him and kissed his cheek.

"See you at lunch?" He said eyeing me. He held my hand and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. He wanted to know if I’d be at our usual spot or somewhere else.

"Yeah I'll see you there," I said over my shoulder loud enough for only him to hear as I walked out of my room making sure to shut the door on my way out, down the hall and then down the stairs.

When I got to the kitchen to get a piece of toast the first voice I heard was Logan's from the living room.

"Hey Alex, are you okay?" He said, only looking up from the news paper in front of him when he heard my boots click against the wooden floor in the living room. Then quickly looking back down at his paper.

"Yeah, why?"

"You know... ‘Cuz I could hear you talking to yourself upstairs... Almost as if you were talking to someone," he looked up again and glared at me suspiciously.

"What...? Pfffft. No.... Why would I talk to myself?" I let out nervously and quickly scolding myself for being so obvious. I changed my weight from the left side of my body to the right side, and then awkwardly scratched my head. 

"Your a terrible liar you know?"

"I know... I'm sorry okay. I just... It's just-"

"Alex! If you don't come out here right now I will leave without you!" I heard Caleb's outburst from the garage.

"This isn't over young lady. I'll be picking you up from school today by the way."

"Why?" I questioned while grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl in the table and taking a bite out of it, a hint of desperation in my whinny voice.

"My meeting got cancelled."

"I'll save you a trip, I'll just get a ride home from Mike," I let out while walking slowly to the door. I know this would pull a string because he doesn't like Mike either. 

"NO YOUR NOT, you know we don't like you hanging out with him!" A honk from Caleb outside told me that was my queue to leave. I started walking a little faster toward the door so he would stop scolding me. 

“No… I know you and Liam don’t like him, but Caleb’s okay with him and I hooking up,” I said looking up from my apple and slightly smirking at him because I knew he’d just get even more pissed at me.

“Are you serious right now?!” His voice raising to a slight scream. “If I go up to your room and he’s up there—“ He was interrupted by a falling object in our back yard. Mike stood up and shook off the imaginary dirt off his jeans. Then looked up and realized that me and Logan were just staring at him from the living room. He just smiled, waved, and ran through the back yard probably to the back street where his car was parked.

“Alexandra, what the HELL—“ But then a honk interrupted him again from the front. Caleb my savior.

"I guess I have to leave," I said with a smirk, and blew a kiss at him because I knew this would piss him off even more.

"Alex-" And with that I shut the front door of the house and stepped out to the fresh morning dew.



Omg alright guys.. so I did some major editing in this chapter, and yeah.. its kinda short i guess but bear with me. theyll get longer... maybe. idk. anywaysss i might update tonight... maybe.or tomorrow. yeah definitely tomorrow.

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