Anna's World Colapses

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Anna is a 16 year old girl. She is obedient, respectful, and have good grades, basically the "good son or daughter" sample. Anna's parents got divorced when she was 4 years old. Her mother decided to plant an apple tree just after the divorce, for it to mean the beginning of a new life.


Anna always wanted to go out of Huntsville, Alabama, where they live. She wanted to go on a field trip, to meet new people and places. Her mother was going to fulfill that dream on summer vacations.

Anna was so impatient for summer vacations. She tried to get the best grades possible so that her mother wont reconsider taking her on the trip. Finally May came, and Anna's lowest grade was a 97% in Philosophy class. Summer came and Anna knew this was the time she was always waiting for.... It was the 12th of June when her mother told her: " Get ready hun, tomorrow we are leaving on a trip outside the city."

Anna didnt sleep that night. She couldnt even close her eyes due to the excitement.

5am and Anna was already preparing the little snacks like sandwiches and cookies for the trip. 6an her mother woke up. And 7am all was already placed in the car by Anna herself and Anna and her mother in the car seats getting ready to leave.

Anna's mom: " Anna, dear, did you close all doors and windows?"

Anna:" yes mom i did, now lets go pleaseee!"

Her mother started the car. In a coupl of minutes they were already in the highway.

Anna's mother: " dear, are you sure you close all doors and all windows were shut down right?"

Anna: "yes mom I did, dont worry"

Anna's mom: "alright honey"

40 minutes in the road and Anna acted as a little puppy who had never left home till now. Her mother laughed and giggled at her daughter.

Time passed by real fast. It was 10am already. Anna was watching a water park when all of the sudden........ BAM!..... She felt a strong hit on her head and fainted........


Anna woke up. She was cold. She pulled the blanket and cover her body. It took her like 2 minutes to realize that she was on a hospital. She screamed and her father came running into the room.

Anna's dad: " what happened anna"

Anna: " where am I? And who are you?" Anna couldnt possibly tell the man standing in front of her was her dad, she havent seen him since she was 4 years old.

Anna's dad: " anna, I am your dad."

Anna: " dad? I dont have such thing.." After saying this anna started screaming again, louder than Before. Her grandmother walked in.

Grandmother: " annn dear, stop screaming please"

Anna: " grandma Amethyst please tell this man to leave my room now."

Amethyst: "Robert, could you please wait for me outside?"

Robert: "alright"

Anna: " thankyou grandma... But wheres my mother?"

Amethyst: "Anna, baby, im sorry but, Meredith didnt run with your same luck..... "

Anna: " what do you mean granny?"

Amethyst: " Anna, your mother is....... Dead......."

An emotionless face drew on Anna. She didnt scream, nor cried, she just remain silent, staring at the empty roof.......... She then dropped a single tear and turn her back towards her grandmother and cried in silent.......until she slept..

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