Dreaming Under A Tree

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The next morning Anna went to the tree. It was 6am. She sat and relaxed. She could hear how the little birds sang. She stared at the sky and felt complete peace. She didnt want to move. It was all perfect until Anna remembered it was Monday, so she was supposed to go to school. Amethyst called Anna. Anna knew it was late already so she had to run inside the house to prepare herself for school. Before leaving, she kneeled amd said, " Mom please help get through this day."

The school bus stop was just four houses away from Anna's house. The bus came and Anna simply didnt want to get in. She knew everybody in school knew about the death of her mother. They will ask questions. Questions Anna wasnt ready to answer yet. Questions she would rathr avoid than face.

She ran. She ran away from the bus stop to the only safe and calm place she knew. She ran to th apple tree.

She laid for hours. Watching the clouds and pretending to talk to her mom. If anyone would have seen her,they would probably think she had gone insane.

She closed her eyes. And in just a couple of minutes she was already dreaming. Dreaming about her mom.
Her mom was sitting on a chair knitting. It was winter and Anna was only 7 years old. Her mom was making her som gloves and socks. She went to play outside with her childhood friend Annie. They were best friends. They called themselves "Annanie". Annie left for Boston 1 year later. Back on her dream. Anna saw a big man entering her house and yelling at her mother. Her mother stood up and ran and the man chased her. Anna was too little to act. She just saw how her mother was being hunted.......

She wok up. She was covered in sweat. She noticed she had an apple blossom on her chest. She looked up. But the tree had no blossoms. Not a single one. She didnt pay much attention to it. And stood up. She stretched not even worrying about the blossom. As soon as the blossom touched the floor... It vanished.

Anna was in shock. She soon recovered and was about to get her things when she felt someone approaching. It was her best friend Thomas.

"Hi anna!" said thomas

Anna: " Hey tom"

Thomas : "whats up? Havend heard from you in quite a while!"

Anna: " not that much to be honest.... How was school?"

Thomas: "meh.... Nothing interesting happens there"

They both sat on the grass and talked for hours. It was obvious Thomas had feeling for Anna. Well who wont? Anna was tall and gorgeous. Dark hair and light brown eyes.

Night came faster than expected. Thomas said his goodbyes and left, leaving Anna all by herself. When she was finally all alone. She kneeled and said

Mother, wherever you are please hear me. Tomorrow i have to go to school. Please please make that people dont ask about you please. I wont handle all the questions i know they are storing for me. Just make them forget what happened please. I beg you.

She then stood up and left for her house.


Author's Note: i know its a short chapter. Im planning on making the next chapters different. Please comment and support this story if you are liking it. Thanks!

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