Hide and seek.

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Everyone, ran everywhere. Under the beds, under the tables, in the closet, behind the curtains. Our kids were the counters and we were the players. We were all in a team.

Me and Niall.

Liam and Sophia.

Zayn and Pierrie.

Louis and Eleanor.

Harry and Susan.

Niall, decided to go for the restroom, in the tub. We turned the lights off and slid in there quietly. They found Zayn and Pierrie, and Liam and Sophia, Niall was nervously biting his nails, caused me to giggle. I laid on him and smiled, kissing his cheek. If our daughter finds us we owe her 20 bucks. Which won't be coming out from, my pocket since I didn't think about this hiding spot.

Slowly each couple got eliminated, and we were the last ones. Me and Niall, soon fell asleep and we didn't hear them, say we won.

When we woke, we decided to leave the restroom. Everyone looked devastated. "Hey guys." Niall smiled. "Hey lad.." replied Louis. "What happened?" I asked. "Baby Nia, got hurt and she's at the E.R. but, Liam and Sophia are with her." My heart dropped. "What happened?!" I cluched onto Niall for my dearest life. "A drawer fell over her." Zayn said, saddly. "Let's go Niall." I pleaded. "We'll be back." He said walking towards the door.

As we entered Nia's room, there she was. Sleeping. The doctors said no severe injuries. She just won't remember who we are. But she'll remember every one else. I cried at the sight of her. "Niall." I cried. He hugged me tight. "It'll be okay." He whispered. "She doesn't know us!" I hit his chest. "We'll help her remember!"
He was right. We will help her. When she awoke, she gave us a confused look. "Who you?" She panicked. "I'm mommy.." I smiled. "And I'm daddy!" Niall said chuckling nervosly. "What?" She said,  "Nuh-Uh." She hissed. "Yes, we are Nia." I sighed. "You came out from mommy's tummy." Niall held her small hand.

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