Hell and Back.

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I woke up in the morning. It's 10:31 a.m. It's thundering, and I feel like crap, what the hell happened? I can stop coughing, despite of my asthma. And oh, another thing - it's Friday, the day of the spaghetti dinner. I make myself a piece of toast, and no more - I had a long day yesterday. I brush my teeth and get dressed, and look at old Photo Booth pictures on my bathroom mirror. I miss the good old days, before Emphilamia, before SPEAR, and before the world started dying. I was going to die, I just know I'm going to get it sooner or later. I started up the stairs and into the bathroom to get my razor. I detached the razor from the plastic part and started making little drawings in red on my skin. I carved a heart on my wrist, and then I grabbed the tablets that were sitting on the counter. My name was on all of them, and I looked down for a second to study it. I want to die this way, peacefully instead of when I get the virus, which could be any day now. As I'm about to open the cap and shove all the pills in my mouth, there is a knock on the door. Nervously, I inch down the stairs towards the door. I open it, and there is this boy, with beautiful crystal blue eyes, dark brown hair, tan, with a beautiful smile. I was a little embarrassed. "Is this your dog?" he asked. Shit I forgot I left Owen outside all night! I couldn't speak. "Uh, Is this your dog?" he asked again. "Uhhh, oh yeah" I said, shakily. "He came running over to me as I was walking down the street" the boy said. Why was he walking down my street? I've never even seen him before! I was about to ask him why he was walking down my street, but I couldn't speak. I just smiled a little bit as he said, "Well, see you around", then he turned around, and started down the stairs from my front door. He turned around. "Are you immune?" he asked "I don't know, are you?" I asked, nervously. "I don't know." He turned around again and started down the stairs. "Hey what is your name?" "Cody." I shut the door. I felt so dumb, I even forgot to say thank you, or offer him inside, since it it -20 degrees here and thundering. But then again, he might not be immune. What if I was immune? I haven't gotten it yet. For some reason, I don't want to kill myself. I know my father and mother would want me to fight. I need to find out more about SPEAR.

It's 4:35, and I guess I better get ready, since this is formal. I head in the shower, and shortly after, blow dried my hair. I apply my makeup, finishing with a winged eyeliner, and a bright pink lipstick. I curled my hair for volume. My dress I had was white and black stripes, tight at the top, poofy at the bottom half. I looked at myself at the mirror, and staring back I saw a girl with long locks of dirty blond hair and deep sea, bluish green eyes. I looked just like my father had, I had his eyes, face shape, eyelashes, straight hair, and complexion. The only thing I took resemblance of my mother was her hair color. She had greenish brown eyes with dirty blonde hair. My fathers hair was a dark brown. I stood there, staring myself in my mirror for a while. I grabbed my hand purse, heels, and coat and headed out.

I walked down my street. No one was outside, it was cold and dark, and it started to snow. The world is dead. No one is around, everyone is dead. There was not a single sign of anyone on my street still. My coat did not keep my warm. Although it was a puffy winter jacket, I felt so cold on the inside. This world is really dead.

It took me about 25 minutes to walk to the headquarters. As I walked up the steps of the building, I almost tripped over the ice in my nude heels. A lady in a professional work shirt and skirt asked for my name. "Corbett Reilly" I replied. She crossed off my name on the list, and then another lady, wearing the same exact thing escorted me to my table. There was assigned sports by our last names. I noticed I had my own name placement that read: Corbett Reilly. The room was huge, and there were a sea a teenagers. There was red velvet curtains, and gold linen around the perimeter of the room. I realized that right next to my table I saw the boy from this morning, what was his name, Cade? I glanced at his name placement, and it read: Cody Treznadel. His hair was slicked up and to the side, he was in a tux, and he looked like he could be a Bahaman surfer guy. He was so hot. I stared at him. He glanced back at me, and I turned away. I could tell he recognized me from this morning. Shit, this was awkward.

"Attention, everyone" said a voice from behind me. "As you all know, I'm Dr. Talia Resembauld. I am the head chief in SPEAR. I work in the science department, and our team is working very hard to discover a cure. SPEAR is not to be feared. We are here to help the human race. We have brought you all here because you are immunes."

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