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Immunes. Everyone started cheering, some crying, others remained silent. I remained silent. Why, out of everyone, were we immunes?

"I'd like to tell you all what you are going to have to do." Have to do? What the hell, I think we've all already gone through enough shit. "You all will be put through a series of test to help our team find a cure. This is wiping out the world, and we need to research more about the human body. Starting tomorrow at 7 a.m., you will out meet outside the city hall. You will be transferred to Location 2R and be sheltered, tested, and graded." We used to live in a place called Syracuse, New York, but ever since SPEAR has taken over our lives, certain spots on the world have been renamed to Location - a number and a letter. Now, we are in Location 6E. "You have to leave your family and friends behind. This is a serious test, only for the immunes. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your dinner."

No one spoke. What kind of wicked society would do this to innocent people with family and friends, suffering that need them. I don't understand. They are the most selfish, ignorant people I know of. The girl sitting to the right of me gives me a glance, and then turns back to her food. Her name placement reads: Kayla Rianesant. She is wearing this beautiful black flowy dress. Her hair was a chocolate brown, and she had amber colored eyes. I look back to Cody, and his head is down, staring at his food.He checks his phone. All of the sudden, he gets up out of his chair. A lady stops him. "Where do you think you're going? You are not excused until 8:30!" Cody speaks up. "Listen, lady. There is someone I have to see, now get out of my way." "Not so fast." Two big, braud, scary looking guards come over and block his way. Dr. Resembauld walks over. "Hmm, what's your name? Cody? I'm asking you nicely to go sit down until you are excused. NO one can leave until I say they can." Cody turns around and walks away with his head down. He glances at me. I mouth "sorry" to him and he just nods and sits back down.

That crazy son of a bitch Talia. Maybe Cody really did need to actually see someone before he can't when she takes all of us away. Our food comes out. I haven't had a good meal served to me in so long, but I refuse to eat it. I play my fork around in the spaghetti. I checked my phone, and it was 7:47. I rested my head on my elbow. I wanted to leave. "It sucks" I heard from next to me. It was Kayla. "Huh?" I lifted my head. "Them. I can't even be with my mom tomorrow, and her time is any day now."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear." I said, convincingly.

"Thank you." she said, sounding upset. "What about you?"

"My family died from Emphilimia."

"Everyone is dying now. It makes me sad, and I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thanks," I said, holding back tears. I could feel the lump in my throat grow.

"You know, sometimes I really, really wish I could get some revenge against SPEAR", she whispered.

I nodded, and laid my head back on my elbow. We were finally excused. As everyone was piling out, I dropped my purse. As I went down to pick it up, Cody was walking next to me. He was already doing the job for me. "Thanks", I nervously replied. "Anytime", he replied.

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

"Uh, well seriously you don't have to," I replied, stuttering.

"Well, I am going to anyways," he said. I felt bad. He probably had a long day and was looking for someone to talk to. Cody looked back up, with those crystal blue eyes staring dead into mine.

We started down the street. I had no idea what to say, and after 5 minutes, I need to talk. "Uh, I apologize, I don't think I ever said sorry and thank you this morning about you getting my dog for me." "Really, it's no big deal. I was going down the street anyways." Really, I wasn't that sorry, because I would've never met him. "Why were you walking down my street? Not that it was a bad thing, I've just never seen you before..." "I was going to look for my mother. She had gone missing, and she was not sick, either. I'm pretty sure SPEAR took her. I passed your street when I was running down the road, and I got a text from her saying that she had just been gone because she was overdue for her blood taking. I stopped and was about to turn around before I saw your dog wandering at the end of the street, and I had some extra time on my hands anyways."

"Oh, is your mother OK now?"

"No, they wouldn't take her blood because she has it."

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry to here. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here. My family died from it as well."

"I'm so sorry." He looked me dead in the eye. "You look beautiful." I felt myself blushing a little bit, and the tip of my nose was red from the coldness of the snow. "Thank you", I replied.

We got to my house. "Thanks for walking me home, you didn't have..." "Shhh", he said, putting his finger to my mouth, "it was not a problem."

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