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Do you ever look into a mirror and see something? Like kind of a person shaped thing but upon further inspection it was just something in your room? Your chair, something hanging on a hook?

That used to happen to me a lot as well. Here's a tip, never inspect it further than that. Ok? Oblivious, as the say is bliss.

Promise me you won't.

They won't leave you alone when you do. They won't stop talking and I don't understand. No one else can see them and no one can hear them.

They are why I am insane. They driven me first class there.

I got over that they talk to me, and that no one else can see them. What I haven't gotten over is that I can only see their reflection in the mirror.

So I shattered every mirror I had. I gotten rid of my phone, my t.v, anything that was reflective.

Do you know how hard it is to get rid of everything and anything that is reflective? It's impossible. My glasses, my plates my silverware, my plastic stuff can be reflective in the right light and its always in the right light.

They won't leave once you figure it all out. Once you have found them. They will take every chance they can to announce that they are there, that they will eventually...

I know that they are there, I know what they kind of sound like. Their voices are really scratchy, made me think that that's not their actually voice, it's a an act. But how am I to know for sure? You know what's the worst bit though? I don't know what they fucking look like. I just wish I knew what they looked like. That is what is driving me insane. I see them every time I look in the mirror, but I don't see them. I can hear them walking behind me, but I don't actually know what they look like. I can't put a face to their image, I can't put anything but a shadow or a hollow of a face I don't fucking know.

And it's driving me up the wall.

I'm so fucking scared of something that I can't even see. I know it exists but why can't I see them? Do I even want to see them?

But, like I said before, oblivious is bliss.

So here, I'll tell you something. When that thing catches your eye in the mirror, look at it all you want. Don't touch it in that moment, or 5 minutes afterwards. Leave the room for a few seconds and enter again. It'll be gone by then.

Just, don't touch it.

Please don't touch it.

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