The Game

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They don't notice me anymore.

It seems their game turned into something else.

Their game. They'd ignore, pretend I don't exist. The kids at school whom always picked on my just stopped and now they don't acknowledge me.

I kind of wish they would go back to bullying me.

It got so bad that my teacher stopped calling me in roll call. I was just a lump sitting at the back.

She would begin to call my name but then she would stop and stare at the desk in front of me. This would make kids snicker and I don't know why my teacher decided to play their game.

My parents told me that it would pass. And if it doesn't, I shouldn't worry about it. I was just a child.

I will make different friends when I grew up.

For now it'll have to do.

A few weeks went by. The kid that sat to my left stopped showing up to class. He wasn't at school for a whole week. The teachers told us he got sick, he might transfer to a different school.

Another week went by.

There was a kid that was 'popular', the one that started the whole game ended up getting sick as well.

I didn't see him after he got sick. He transferred.

There was a girl who got sick.

People began asking questions. I was curious what the answers would be but to be honest I was glad people were getting sick. It meant less people to be ignored by.

Maybe the whole game will end.

A week after the girl transferred I was called to the head office. The principal asked me why the children ignored me. How was I supposed to know.

I told him they were bullies. I told him sometimes the teacher ignored me as well. That she didn't even call my name during roll call and didn't assign me work anymore.

A week later we were told that our teacher had quit. I thought back to my conversation with the principal.

Should I have told him that? Did he have to know?

Our new teacher was a male. He didn't ignore me.

He actually paid close attention to me. But I was unsure of what he was looking for. What could be so interesting about me?

A week later the student in front of me got sick. She transferred. I was glad, she was getting on my nerves.

A day later 2 more kids transferred. I couldn't control my happiness. My excitement.

Three days later 3 kids transferred.

There wasn't a whole lot of students left in my class. I was unbelievably happy.

There was a thought that kept tugging in my brain though. Was I doing a good job? Was it really all covered?

I began to doubt my work.

Maybe the kids were getting off easy. Maybe I should...

No this was fine, my class was getting smaller and smaller, the teacher is gone and I'll be alright. As long as they don't remember, I'll be just fine.


Rushed this one and the quality shows it.

Sorry, university is hard.

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