What are you doing?

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Monokuma was in there for quite awhile... Every once in a while I would hear him make a "gah" noise, but other than that total silence. I sat down on my bed and waited patiently for him to come out of the bathroom. About 15 minutes later he came out. My face froze, I don't what to think of this... He was wearing a sea shell bikini. "Upupupup" monokuma chuckled as he ran up to my bed and leaped onto it. "Neagi-kun  I just bought this and I need your opinion on it, what do you think?" "Um... It certainly looks good, but why a sea shell bikini?!?" Monokuma started dancing on my bed and prancing around, with an relieved expression on his face. "Neagi, i think you are what this school needs, an inspiration." He isn't making any sense ... "You seem like the only person I can hang around and won't be really bothered by it.", I felt a little happy to know that but somewhat disturbed by it at the same time.
"Monokuma... I-I think your not so bad as everyone seems, you are very nice but because of this whole murder you classmates thing everyone seems to have grief with you." He stopped dancing and looked me dead in the eyes, and got off the bed. "Upupupu, Neagi-kun I must be going now, thank you." Next thing I knew he disappeared.
The next day ,after breakfast everyone had went their separate ways. Some went to explore, investigate the crime, or just relax. Everyone is starting to suspect me because the crime happened in my room. So they kept their distance from me. Last night made me feel dirty, so I decided to take a shower. As I turned on the water I heard a voice echo through the shower. "Upupupu, nice butt!" It was Monokuma, great... as of last night wasn't  weird enough, he decides to talk to me while I take a shower. "Neagi-kun, I'm suspecting that this case is heading towards you being executed!" "Monokuma it wasn't me, you already know who did it so when the trial comes we can head towards a conclusion, so why accuse me?" I said somewhat exhausted. "Because where would the fun be in that?!?! What's the point in playing a game if you can't have fun, speaking of fun..." suddenly my bathroom door burst open and Monokuma approached my shower. His outline was getting bigger out of the fog, his red eye glowing through. He was holding a bucket in his paw... As I thought the possibilities of why Monokuma was holding a bucket while me naked in the shower, he stopped. "Upupupu" he chuckled, "what are you doing?!?" I said nervously. "SURPRISE ATTACK!" Out of no where a bar of soap comes flying at me,hits me on the chest, and then falls to the floor. "Ow! What was that for?!?!" I screeched. "AHAHAHAHA" Monokuma shouted. He kept on throwing bars of soap at me, so I grabbed a towel to block his attacks. This continued for 5 minutes straight... At this point I'm starting to question what I'm doing with my life. I'm guessing he ran out of soap to use as ammo cause the soap stopped coming at me. "There, now you can clean yourself properly" he said with a modus tone. "How was I not cleaning myself good?" I snapped back, "Here let me show ya how it's done". Monokuma walked over to me and whipped out a back scrubber. "I'm gonna scrub you so hard and good, you'll be sparkling"he softly spoke. He started scrubbing my legs, and I backed up. "Woah, no that's gross and uncomfortable for me." "Oh,come on I'm basically doing you a favor, cleaning your body... Relax I'll be gentle" . "Um, if you insist..." , he began scrubbing me starting from the bottom. "Dang boy, you unclean! You must not do a good job cause you still dirty" I sighed and just stood quietly. He actually was going pretty gentle, well for a bear I guess. He started pressing down harder once he got to my hips and stomach. Other wise it was really relaxing. Once he finished he grabbed another towel outside the shower, and dried himself off. "Um, thanks I guess!" "No problem kid, anytime your need me just call!" He was humming as he walked out of the foggy bathroom. I smiled and dried my self off. I looked in the small mirror next to the shower head. I was blushing a hot red, I looked like a cherry... Was I blushing the whole time?!?! Oh god this is embarrassing. But to be honest, I didn't care. I finished getting ready to head back out. Investigating the crime scene should be a good plan for the afternoon. I hope that Monokuma doesn't bring this awkward experience in front of someone.

(I know it took awhile to write, but I've been busy with school. Chapter 3?)

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